Need a Top Case that becomes a carry on ??

Nice platform to test on. ;) I wonder how he will deal with the mount for the multitude of bikes that would use this? I see that as his biggest hurdle.

I also think he's missing the biggest, most likely market. I don't know too many people who would ride their bike to the airport, but I know a lot of people who ride their bike to work yet still have to walk a fair distance to their office. Marketing it as a rolling briefcase or "work case" would hit a much larger segment of the riding population. This idea didn't occur to me until I was almost all the way through the video. Up to that point I thought it was an almost useless idea.
I agree with the "work case" approach.... I commute to work. I have a backpack with my laptop. Wearing the backpack makes my back sore sometimes and I'd rather not wear it. Strapping the backpack down to the bike is time consuming and I'm always reaching back to make sure it is still there.

I'm always surprised when I look at all the "bag" options for motorcycles, yet nobody had developed a quick attach/release platform for something that looks like a backpack.. which people walk around with everyday. Not a brief case, not luggage, not a helmet holder, just a dang backpack.

I want to drop the backpack on the platform, click it in, and I'm on my way. (little straps, hooks, or bungies are not good enough)

If I were smart, I would invent it and make millions