My FZ6 project

that bike looks sooo nice... i wish i had the time and $$$ to do that... well done man.. looks great!!! :)

It took me almost 8 months to finish this bike. I did it all my self and i didnt pay a single euro to a technician. The total cost is not that big because i've sold all my spare parts that i didnt need any more.
The bike cost me almost 5000 euro.
hi, wanna ask about the carbon frame cover.
so if u take out the carbon cover still able to see the sliver frame?

and if we dun make the cover are we able to do the carbon thingy on the original sliver frame itself?
Yes, of course you can see the silver frame if you take it off.

Yes, you can create a carbon cover using the frame itself but it is too difficult and i don't thing that it worth it.
i like the carbon thing on the frame.. it look so great.
the original sliver color is making it look "old" & "outdated"
The summer is gone and i've made some minor changes.
I gave away my akrapovic exhaust and i've replaced them with an other couple totally hand maded by me.
I needed more torgue at low end rpm and the akrapovic didn't have enough backpressure for this job.
So i've installed back the catalytic converter and a new pair of cans with a brand new Y pipe for them.
The Y pipe is builded to seperate the exhaust fumes equal to each can and thats the basic difference with akrapovic or two brothers or even worst laser Y pipes.
Unfortunatelly i had to sucriface my number plate holder for a couple of days because i didn't have enough material to build a brand new suitable bracket.

These are the cans.

This is my new Y pipe.

And here they are fitted on the bike.




The wideband analysis showed up that the AFR ratio is below 13,9 in any rpm range but it needs some adjustments.
I want it leaner at low rpms.
The target is to create a map that uses lean ratio at low rpms (1200-5500) for fuel economy in the city , a little bit richer at mid range rpms (5500-8300) and rich at high range (8300 to top) for performance.
By this way i believe that the autonomy in the city and everyday use will be increased and the performance above mid range will be increased too.
I think its a good deal!