Motodynamic integrated taillight problems.


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May 21, 2011
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I have the Motodynamic taillight and led turn signals that are also running lights and brake lights. Wired up and worked initially, but now the taillight stays on and the signals operate normally. They are sharing the brake light power lead. Is this the problem? Is the taillight confused by an electrical signal leaking back from the turn signals? Do I need a resister on the brake line to the turn signal to stop any return signal?

These are nice and bright, and the flashing taillight and sequential signal are much more visible than stock. I really want the extra visibility of brake lights on the signals stalks too.

I am an electrical noob and need the experts on the forum to give me the right advice. Speak in simple terms! Thank you!
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I should also mention that when I disconnect the break light leads to the signals the brake light of the taillight works normally.

I know there are electronics gurus out there. Help me kill the electrical gremlin!

Thank you!
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I have the Motodynamic taillight and led turn signals that are also running lights and brake lights. Wired up and worked initially, but now the taillight stays on and the signals operate normally. They are sharing the brake light power lead. Is this the problem? Is the taillight confused by an electrical signal leaking back from the turn signals? Do I need a resister on the brake line to the turn signal to stop any return signal?

These are nice and bright, and the flashing taillight and sequential signal are much more visible than stock. I really want the extra visibility of brake lights on the signals stalks too.

I am an electrical noob and need the experts on the forum to give me the right advice. Speak in simple terms! Thank you!

Let me start off by saying I'm familiar with the light, it's what I've thrown into my bike. I'm a little confused about your setup though, is it just the Motodynamic unit or do you have additional turn signal stalks back there as well? If you're just running the single brake light unit from them then you just need to match the wires on the brake light to the corresponding wire on the bike wire harness. 12v+, brake signal, left turn signal, right turn signal, and ground.

You make it sound like you have other lights in the equation though. If so then they are simply "extensions" of whatever function they provide. Only turn signal? Then just splice them into ground and the corresponding turn signal wire.
Pictures and wiring instructions/ diagrams will be helpful. In many cases we've solved problems with a couple of diodes to eliminate the problem.
Yes, the set up is a MD taillight and led turn signal stalks in place of original, with the stalks acting as running lights (working fine), turn indicators (working fine), and brake lights. All three lights are sharing leads for activation, and only the brake light lead is acting up. When I disconnect the brake light feature of the stalks, the MD brake light works perfectly. When I plug in the brake light leads of the stalks, the MD brake light comes on and stays on when I release the lever. The brake lights of the stalks come on and go off as intended.

I'm wondering if I need a diode between the stalk brake light lead and the shared brake light feed to make the MD brake light think the stalk brake leads are disconnected. Current bleeding backward to MD making it think the brake is still activated? What diode and how is it connected? In line?
Yes, the set up is a MD taillight and led turn signal stalks in place of original, with the stalks acting as running lights (working fine), turn indicators (working fine), and brake lights. All three lights are sharing leads for activation, and only the brake light lead is acting up. When I disconnect the brake light feature of the stalks, the MD brake light works perfectly. When I plug in the brake light leads of the stalks, the MD brake light comes on and stays on when I release the lever. The brake lights of the stalks come on and go off as intended.

I'm wondering if I need a diode between the stalk brake light lead and the shared brake light feed to make the MD brake light think the stalk brake leads are disconnected. Current bleeding backward to MD making it think the brake is still activated? What diode and how is it connected? In line?

Here's a diagram of LED type running light, brake and directional indicators running with MD integrated tail lamp assembly. Notice where I have installed diodes in the diagram to block the devices signals and keep the brake signal separated.

Thanks again to rivettm for the original diagram. :)
Here's a diagram of LED type running light, brake and directional indicators running with MD integrated tail lamp assembly. Notice where I have installed diodes in the diagram to block the devices signals and keep the brake signal separated.

Thanks again to rivettm for the original diagram. :)

+1 here, if you're unfamiliar with electrical schematics the diodes are represented by the black ->|- symbols. The diode will have a grey line on one side. This corresponds with the '|' side of the diode in the diagram. Make sure this is correct, it will only block current in one direction. Any small diode from a local store (I.e. RadioShack) will be able to handle the current, they will be pretty cheap.

Fwiw I had to install an led flasher relay to make my motodynamics flash at the correct speed. I didn't want to use the resistors they include for that. Paid too much for the relay ($20) at cyclegear because I didn't want to wait for shipping time - worth it in the end though!

Edit: Curious where you got your additional turn signal stocks, are you happy with brightness/build quality? I've been wanting to add some to my setup.
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Took video with iPhone in .mov file format and won't load. No solution? Technologically challenged.

Drag the .mov file onto your computer go to youtube. sign in to your account and upload the file. Youtube should use the .mov format....

Great job on getting it functioning!
Ok. So the diodes worked on the shared brake leads so the rear signal stalk brake lights aren't confusing the brake light. Then the flash rate was inconsistent even with the resistors built in the brake light and supplied with the front signal stalks. Scratched my head and realized the flash control unit probably thought there was a bulb out since the LEDs draw so little power. Bought a new led flash control that was plug and play, replaced the oem one and it all works perfectly. Sweet.

Thanks for the help guys.
I would still be interested in seeing a video of how it all looks and works together as you can see on my "Wishlist" thread, I have have your same exact setup on my list for awhile now.

Ok. So the diodes worked on the shared brake leads so the rear signal stalk brake lights aren't confusing the brake light. Then the flash rate was inconsistent even with the resistors built in the brake light and supplied with the front signal stalks. Scratched my head and realized the flash control unit probably thought there was a bulb out since the LEDs draw so little power. Bought a new led flash control that was plug and play, replaced the oem one and it all works perfectly. Sweet.

Thanks for the help guys.

I have the MD taillight ready to install and waiting on 4 LED Turn signals in the mail. Appears I need two diodes from RadioShack etc. where did you get your LED flash control that was plug and play if u don't mind me asking
Thanks motogiro! Quick question for MD and LED turn signals. Should I not use the subharness MD provides with the new relay or should I keep it or does it not matter?

I'll assume the subharness incorperates the resistors so the OEM flasher rate remains the same. If that's all the that subharness is then you can eliminate it once you have your electronic flasher. :)