Knee down?

Does any body "drag knees" on there Fzs? I have a friend with a GSXR600 and can do it all day but my fz doesnt feel quite as sporty as his. So anybody do it on the track or on the street? Does anybody have any tips??
I Can go all day getting my knee down on my Fazer FZ6 S2 no problems, but it took me some time to get technique right and it helps to have som e nice grippy tyres, my preference is the maxxis Sport tyres they are affordable and i have found them incredibly grippy.

However most of it is in the technique of getting your self over the side of the bike looking out underneath your wing mirror in the direction you plan to be going and enjoying the feeling of the plastic grinding.

I know if i ever got a sport bike i would struggle to get it down at first but i would most definately get there once i'd pinned the technique.

Hope it helps
Your body position is going to play a huge role in whether or not you are able to get your knee down but there are a few other things that can play a role as well. Has anyone mentioned the rate at which you steer the bike? Are you more likely to get your knee on the deck if you turn the bike quickly, or if you slowly bank it over?

I you want to get a knee down you have to take the corner faster. Pretty simply really.

Unless you don't know how to position your body, then trying to take the corner faster is a baaaaad idea lol.
meh body position is about the most overrated meme in motorcycle riding. No matter how you go about it, it's pretty much takes all the same corner speed. Maybe in the very top levels being on the ragged edge of traction fractions of degree can make a difference but even then IDK. Guys like Troy Bayliss rode notoriously crossed up and dominated WSBK for years. One of the fastest guys I know personally (riding buddy) has "horrible" body position and is now riding in the AMA and running laps 12 seconds faster than those perfect looking A group trackday riders who spent years perfecting their look but never really got fast.

Then throw in a bike like the FZ6 and you're talking about an almost supermoto like seating position anyway where the rules totally change on how to go fast....which is THE point. Not a knee down, not a good look, etc....but going fast in and of itself. Body position is and only ever was about maximizing available traction and nothing else.
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the bike leans more. It's the entire point of it all.

The bike doesn't lean itself.

It's true that the faster you go the steeper you have to lean to get around the turn but it's up to the rider to get that done, and even then it doesn't always translate into getting your knee down.

You could have a guy hauling ass through a turn and not getting his knee down while at the same time have a slower rider going through the same turn with his knee on the deck. That's what I'm getting at.

Body position will influence whether or not you get your knee on the ground, where you are sitting on the seat can have an influence, you visual skills and how quickly you steer the bike have a huge impact on whether or not you get your knee to touch.