keep or bin?


Junior Member
Jun 14, 2008
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the belly pan that is,im not sure if i like it or not,it seems a bit big,any comments gratefully recieved.
the belly pan that is,im not sure if i like it or not,it seems a bit big,any comments gratefully recieved.

Keep it. I don't think it's too big at all, and from the profile (side) looks really uniform.

If it was deep blue, I'd tell you it was too big and gangly and them make a lowball offer :)


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I think it looks good as well. To me the pans conceal the worst looking part of the bike, the header area. They come to far off the bike for my liking.
I don't know about all this this positive feed back you're getting. I really think you should just sell it to me and get it over with already! :BLAA:
I'm not really a fan of that particular style, but I wouldn't say it looks bad. If you like it, keep it. If you don't, sell it. If you still want a belly pan check out the Yamaha OEM one, I think it's a little bit smaller, and flows really well with the bike. It's my favorite out of them all, so I bought one. haha

I'm not really a fan of that particular style, but I wouldn't say it looks bad. If you like it, keep it. If you don't, sell it. If you still want a belly pan check out the Yamaha OEM one, I think it's a little bit smaller, and flows really well with the bike. It's my favorite out of them all, so I bought one. haha


LOL what did I say about a rear wing on a Honda?? :spank:
Looks alright.....but get rid of the stickers. Ruins the flow of the bike. Not really understanding why people stick up their vehicles....especially the ford,chevy and dodge dudes that have the 4 foot wide emblem in the back window.....Why?
To me its like putting an aero kit on a 4x4; our bikes are too high in the air.

But if you like it, that's all that matters :thumbup:
i like it how it fits on the bike so i say keep it, makes the bike more complete imo.