Just got hit by a cager

fast blue one

The number of the beast
Elite Member
Oct 4, 2007
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Well that was a lucky one. I was at a roundabout behind a small van which went ahead, an artic (semi) went across so I creptup to the line to get a better view. i stopped but the car behind me didnt.
I managed to get a good handful of brake and planted my right foot down and stayed upright.
The outcomeis Fazer-no damage that Ican see, she hit the tyre. Her car has the fron fender hanging off, so she definitely gave me a good whack and I have a sore neck for a souvenir.

staying upright :D
soreneck :(
good job keeping it up.

She hit you hard enough to have her fender hang off but you kept it upright, that is impressive.

Also have them make sure the rear tire is still straight, a friend of mine got hit in the rear in a similar fashion and it stretched his chain and turned his tires a bit crooked.
You were blessed this day by the real god, the bike god, so good to hear a good result from a bad situation for a change.:cheer:
Glad you are OK.

Make sure you at least go to the doctor and get that neck looked at and send her insurance company the bill.

Insurers are always more generous in fixing your damage quickly if they think they smell lawsuit down the road.
Excellent keeping the rubber side down! Kudos for keeping your cool!

If it's an accident people, why would you get so upset? If it's intentional, then YES, get pi$$ed! But an accident is just that. All the pi$$ed-off-ed-ness isn't going to do a DAMNED thing to change the situation. It's the people who get ugly in those situations that REALLY pi$$ me off.
Glad you are relatively ok, a sore neck is no picnic so please get that taken care of, it usually takes a day or two for the pain to settle in...glad to hear the damage is minimal (as of the moment) Rest up, take care.


She hit you hard enough to have her fender hang off but you kept it upright, that is impressive.

VERY impressive!!!

As others have said, glad you're ok. You'll probably have a sore neck for a while. :(
Hi Mate,

Glad your ok, if you plan on claiming you need to go and have your neck examined by your doctor. Did you call the police (as you were injured)?
Please stay in one piece for next Saturday:D

Good recovery... deffo get ur neck checked out, if only to get it on ur medical record, you never know what may come from this incident... ie- my old dear and her friend were involved in a low speed crash between two cages, they got rear-ended (kinda like you)... neither suffered any injury or sign of shock, but both developed "delayed shock" over a month later... docs said it was due to the sudden rush of adrenilin, it buggers around with your brain and can cause symptoms resembling a heart attack upto a year later!!!!

Thinking about it, its almost like cager's are blind to our presence... even with day-glo jackets and lights on full... one pulled out on me from a wide open driveway on my last lesson...emergency stopped. Got some nice compliments from my instructor, his response was slower, and had pulled up at my side by the time he managed to stop! I think my use of the horn and hand gestures went down a treat with him! :D
Hi Ciaron

Good to hear to kept the rubber planted to the ground and stayed upright :rockon:

:spank: the cager

Hope your neck heels real quick and there is no real damage to the bike.

Rest up have a couple :iconbeer: and hope to see you next sat. :thumbup:
