Just got a 07 FZ6


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Jun 21, 2010
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Hi, I'm a new member here and just bought 07 model with low mileage and as new condition. I took it for a 200 miles ride and here what I discovered about it. Just wanted to share my first impression and see if this is common to all FZ6's:

The bike has good power and excellent brakes.
It's handles very well in corners and fast in a straight line.
But this where it ends.

1. The stock seat is too hard.
2. I'm 5'7 and the handle bars are kind of far to reach making me sort of bending forward in order to reach them (which leads to #4).
3. This is most annoying: the seat gets so hot that after 30 -40 minutes of riding feels like sitting on an oven. Also you can feel the hit coming out of the side of the engine.
4. My lover back started to kill me after 1 hour of riding.

When I got home after the ride I was so sore I don't remember when I felt it last time, and I ride for 9 years.

Before that I had the FZ6R and moved up to have better power and handling. Mind you that FZ6 should be more of a touring bike than the "R", but on the "R" I could ride for 400 miles straight on different kind of roads and didn't feel even close like after this ride.

Any comments will be appreciated.
Glad to hear is and welcome to the forum. There is a lot of great info on the website. Thoroughly check it out.

Honestly, a Corbin seat or Top Saddlery seat will improve 100% riding time. I can ride about 2 hours on mine in the current state. The handlebars (I wouldn't think be the cause of the back problems.) Although I cant vouch for a shorter person than me. I use drag bars on my fz6; however, I am 6'5". I have found the perfect height for me and my fz6 with the dragbars. That's why I wouldnt see it being the handlebars since you are shorter than me. The stock bars, compared to my bike are way closer to the rider.

I dont use my bike for much touring, but more for commuting. It's fun well rounded bike.
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I am short 5'6" and I have the same drag bars as Geoff and love them. I don't think you will want them if you are looking for a more upright position. You can get risers that will bring your current bar closer to you but I would give it some time before you change much. I wanted a bit more forward stance and that's why I changed to the drag bars. Seat and engine heat is a little distracting now but you will love it on those fall mornings and nights! As far as stock seat being to hard... well yeah but after market seats are too expensive so I deal with it. Funny, when I say something is to expensive I usually end up with one of whatever it is on my bike before to long. :D

BTW .. :welcome: and enjoy!
:welcome: to the forum! You've come to the right place for anything FZ6 -related. Lots of cool, nice, and very knowledgeable people here!

There are actually remedies to all of your issues.. and the FZ6 is a very versatile bike, which lends itself to all types of modifications, uses, etc..

1. If your stock seat is too hard, you could try wearing bike (as in bicycle) shorts under your pants. I haven't personally tried it, but I hear that it helps out alot. There are also a few aftermarket options for replacement seats as well. Corbin, Top Sellerie, and the Yamaha Gel Seat are popular replacements around here.

2. If you're having trouble reaching the bars, you could replace the entire handlebar or get handlebar risers. Handlebar risers are another popular mod, and are fairly easy to install, too.

3. I haven't had any problems with the seat getting too hot personally, but I would have to ask what you wear for gear. Do you wear riding pants? It would be a great investment if you don't, and I can personally attest to their usefulness. The last incident I had, I was wearing my textile armored pants, and they completely saved me from any road rash or from any leg injuries. You may also consider wearing bike shorts as mentioned earlier.

4. Something else you may consider doing is getting adjustable rearsets or lowering your pegs if you still have back problems after fixing your handlebar issue.

P.S. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to use the search function on the forum. You'd be surprised what's been discussed already and other people may have had the same issues/questions before.
:welcome: 2wheelie!

Your muscles may have to adjust a little. When I first got my FZ6 it was harder going long distance for hours on it and it got better. Your body will somewhat adjust but we are a little different just the same. It almost sounds like you have FZ1 handle bars on the bike. As previously mentioned a seat may help. I'm the same height as you. Then again our body parts will have different lengths and our muscles are different. Give your body a chance to adjust and see if it doesn't start to adjust to the new ergonomics.
The FZ6 is a fantastic bike and I as well as many members here can attest to putting it through its paces and it always seems to put a smile on your face.
Again welcome and post up some pictures of your new ride.
Thank you guys for the fast replies.
That's what I'll have to do is to put a raisers and replace the sit. Is there a tread on how to lower the foot pegs? I'd like to do that to so it would be a perfect all-around combination...
Thank you guys for the fast replies.
That's what I'll have to do is to put a raisers and replace the sit. Is there a tread on how to lower the foot pegs? I'd like to do that to so it would be a perfect all-around combination...
Use the search function at the top of the page.

There should be nothing you can't find on this forum if you have a good look.

BTW, :welcome: to the forum
I'm in the same boat as 2Wheelie. I got the bike on Friday and have put on about 200 miles, in 30min to 1 hour sessions. I don't find the seat all that bad but my shoulders are killing me. I think I'm straight-arming it in an effort to transfer weight off my butt and my arms are taking abuse. My wrists get pretty sore too, but I can make that better by changing my grip frequently.

I'm 5'8" and 190 pounds (and 45 yrs old). Maybe if lose some more flab and get some core strength it will help. Love the bike!

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In the scheme of things the bike is very neutral and forgiving. I'm actually surprised some find the bars too low/far away as I found the opposite :)

But agree with others in saying that at a very low expense you can really customise the FZ6 and I know you'll love it. The 'comfort' seat that comes with the '09 is firm but very shapely - you could keep an eye out for one of those?

Many options with the bars - risers being the easiest. Don't forget that as well as risers, there are angled risers available for the FZ too (rise and angles toward the rider).

The heat I haven't ever felt (you tried an R6 in hot weather!?), but not a lot you can do other than maybe the cat eliminator pipe (????).

Good luck, well worth persevering.
Welcome to the forum!

Your body just needs time to adapt to the ergos of the bike. I believe it will improve for you as time progresses. You may consider doing some core exercises, such as situps and pushups, plus some end of day stretching - whatever feels comfortable to you.

I 100% guarantee that an aftermarket pipe will reduce under-the-seat heat. :Flash:
I'm in the same boat as 2Wheelie. I got the bike on Friday and have put on about 200 miles, in 30min to 1 hour sessions. I don't find the seat all that bad but my shoulders are killing me. I think I'm straight-arming it in an effort to transfer weight off my butt and my arms are taking abuse. My wrists get pretty sore too, but I can make that better by changing my grip frequently.

I'm 5'8" and 190 pounds (and 45 yrs old). Maybe if lose some more flab and get some core strength it will help. Love the bike!


Your tense you need to relax, try tucking your elbows into your ribs and pulling your shoulders down using your lats, trust me it helps.
Hi, I'm a new member here and just bought 07 model with low mileage and as new condition. I took it for a 200 miles ride and here what I discovered about it. Just wanted to share my first impression and see if this is common to all FZ6's:

The bike has good power and excellent brakes.
It's handles very well in corners and fast in a straight line.
But this where it ends.

1. The stock seat is too hard.
2. I'm 5'7 and the handle bars are kind of far to reach making me sort of bending forward in order to reach them (which leads to #4).
3. This is most annoying: the seat gets so hot that after 30 -40 minutes of riding feels like sitting on an oven. Also you can feel the hit coming out of the side of the engine.
4. My lover back started to kill me after 1 hour of riding.

When I got home after the ride I was so sore I don't remember when I felt it last time, and I ride for 9 years.

Before that I had the FZ6R and moved up to have better power and handling. Mind you that FZ6 should be more of a touring bike than the "R", but on the "R" I could ride for 400 miles straight on different kind of roads and didn't feel even close like after this ride.

Any comments will be appreciated.




That's just the first two pages in the for sale section
I'm in the same boat as 2Wheelie. I got the bike on Friday and have put on about 200 miles, in 30min to 1 hour sessions. I don't find the seat all that bad but my shoulders are killing me. I think I'm straight-arming it in an effort to transfer weight off my butt and my arms are taking abuse. My wrists get pretty sore too, but I can make that better by changing my grip frequently.

I'm 5'8" and 190 pounds (and 45 yrs old). Maybe if lose some more flab and get some core strength it will help. Love the bike!


I'm the same height, weight and age...just did the SW Motech bar riser-
bar back mod and it has made a huge difference...prior I had a choice of
sitting upright with elbows locked, or bending the arms a bit and leaning
forward which put a lot of weight on my wrists, both postures were causing
serious discomfort on long rides...this $100 mod has solved it, now sitting
upright with a slight bend in the elbows, almost no weight on the wrists,
and the numb hands problem is greatly reduced too...the seat even feels
better because I have room in my stance to move around in the saddle
a bit now instead of having my stones driven into the gas tank

and to the OP: welcome to the site :)
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my previous bike was an 07 r6. i could not ride more than 20 minutes. i used to get real bad back, neck, and wrists pains. i'm only 5'-6". just got my 07 fz6 2 months ago, love it. seat comfortable, handle bar perfect. i no longer have the pains i used to have. i could go 2-3 hours easily.
:welcome::welcome: I got the Top Sellerie seat and it's fantastic. Long rides no problem. Very comfortable. The stock handle bars are very uncomfortable. I added the FZ1 bars and it's much better. I'm 6'1" and don't need the bar rizers but they might be what you need also. No heat from under the seat to speak of. Ride safe and enjoy every minute riding!!
One good piece of advice is RELAX .... too often these complaints can be attributed to one being too tense and stiff. I've only had my 2009 FZ6 for about two weeks but don't have the issues that I've read about here. In fact I find the FZ6 very neutral in the way it fits. It's a pretty much a "one size fits most" kind of bike. That's not to say it can't be tweaked but it seems very forgiving. You want heat.....try riding a 2003 FJR 1300, that bike put off enough heat to roast a duck. The FZ6 seems like a fridge in comparison.
Thanks for all the good replies!
One question that I still have - is there a way to move the foot pegs a bit forward? Or maybe anyone knows of a post which is already exists in a "how-to" section....
"3. This is most annoying: the seat gets so hot that after 30 -40 minutes of riding feels like sitting on an oven. Also you can feel the hit coming out of the side of the engine."

I'm wondering, (since it's an '09 you obviously bought it used), if the panels under the seat are all there? There are several smaller plates/panels that if removed, would allow massive amounts of heat to come right up under your seat. Just a thought. Mine is an
'09 and I don't have the seat issues. I think they put the optional seats on them for '09, at least I've read that before.
I think that once you get your issues resolved you will absolutely love your bike. Welcome to the board and safe riding!