Interesting traffic violation (STUPID)

:rant::banghead:OK GUYS FLAME ON. I'm going to say it and I really don't care what people think, BUT I hate cops. 1 to 2%of them are really great at what they do. They follow the motto on their badges. To Serve And to Protect. The other 98% are power hungry A$#h@!es. They follow the motto of "I am ABOVE the law" or "I am the law"

A few years back I always thought that to become a police officer you had to go thru extensive training to become one. LOL boy was I wrong. 2 classes in college is all. You take the first one, if you pass you take the next. If you pass both of these classes you can then become an officer. Now there is a little more than just that, you do have to go thru police trainging. But still that is about it.

O and before I get flamed for saying that there isn't much training. The guy who told me this was an officer. we worked together while he was going thru the classes to be come one. He said basically, classes, clean record, and go thru training. No mention of a physic test or personallity type test.

ok let the :spank: begin. :D

It varies by state and department what is required. Most departments now a days in any sort of populated area require a bachelor's degree in criminal justice to be considered for the position. So, much of what has been a system where all of the police officer's kids and buddies get to be police officers is changing to a system where you actually have to be qualified with an accredited degree.
Always fight tickets. Chances of the cop not showing will always work in your advantage.

I fully understand your logic nizmotech, but your advice might not necessarily be prudent in all situations.

Courts will often "amend" a citation to the full amount if a warning or break was given. Let's say for example that a person was caught on radar at 72 mph in a 55 mph zone. The officer might issue the person a citation for 5 or 10 mph over the limit.

If a person fights a citation, the courts can (and usually will) amend the citation to the full amount of 72 in a 55.

If a driver truly feels they weren't speeding, or deserving of the citation, they should most certainly fight the ticket. If a person is merely hoping the cop won't show up for court, they'll be in for a rude awakening when the court sends info stating the charges have been amended.

Keep in mind that Officers receive subpoenas to respond to court, and can be held criminally responsible for failing to show up in court. Also, they get paid overtime for the response.
Am I retarded for thinking that when you get a court date for a fix it ticket, its automatically fighting it and that date would be the trial date?

Coz otherwise you would go and get it fixed anyway.. anyway I was wrong, this was totally false alarm..I went and pleaded not guilty today thats all, and they gave me a date for actual trial. Ill keep you guys posted.
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ya man let us know what happens. If you win I am going to jump in the air. Seriously.


good luck.
ok ill chime in here on some of these issues. as some of you know i am a cop in louisiana. i can tell you (depending on the wording of your states laws) that is a BS ticket. did it have the sate statutes (civil code) or whatever you call it there. i would like to actually read the law that you broke and see what it says. i have never heard of one where the sun shining through counted as a light source. if that was true then i would be able to write people with blue tint for impersonating the police. seems a bit stupid to me. so i say challenge it. send me the criminal code on it and ill give you all the advice i can.

on the subject of easy to become a cop you are right in most cases. you have a clean record, and pass the test and you can be hired. however it is different in different areas. as of here you have a civil service test (a joke) and some othe BS test, a psych test, and then you start your 4 month training.

on the always go to court statement. i would only advise it if you think you are correct. if you are just going hoping that the cop wont show up then you are gambling. if you pay the fine before court then you just pay that fine. if you go to court and plead guilty or lose then you pay your fine plus the court cost. here that is an additional $180 added to your fine. so be sure what you want first.

other than that if you have any questions hit me up and ill help if i can. :rockon:
ok ill chime in here on some of these issues. as some of you know i am a cop in louisiana. i can tell you (depending on the wording of your states laws) that is a BS ticket. did it have the sate statutes (civil code) or whatever you call it there. i would like to actually read the law that you broke and see what it says. i have never heard of one where the sun shining through counted as a light source. if that was true then i would be able to write people with blue tint for impersonating the police. seems a bit stupid to me. so i say challenge it. send me the criminal code on it and ill give you all the advice i can.

on the subject of easy to become a cop you are right in most cases. you have a clean record, and pass the test and you can be hired. however it is different in different areas. as of here you have a civil service test (a joke) and some othe BS test, a psych test, and then you start your 4 month training.

on the always go to court statement. i would only advise it if you think you are correct. if you are just going hoping that the cop wont show up then you are gambling. if you pay the fine before court then you just pay that fine. if you go to court and plead guilty or lose then you pay your fine plus the court cost. here that is an additional $180 added to your fine. so be sure what you want first.

other than that if you have any questions hit me up and ill help if i can. :rockon:

Keeping in mind that each state may have different laws although most of these laws are pretty much the same.
If it's a fix-it ticket, (I like CA. for this) put some blue masking tape on it or show up with out it.

And like John asked, Mike, How'd you make out in court?

Also, (Mike) Love the way your bike looks. Was admiring it on the ride!

Am I retarded for thinking that, when you get a court date for a fix it ticket, its automatically fighting it and that date would be the trial date?

Coz otherwise you would go and get it fixed anyway.. anyway I was wrong, this was totally false alarm..I went and pleaded not guilty today thats all, and they gave me a date for actual trial. Ill keep you guys posted.

Most jurisdictions do this now to cut back on court costs because so many people were not showing. It used to be they had everything ready to go for each case but then with a no show all that prep work was for nothing.
Jeez... if you tell me the officer was young i would not be surprised at all. He sounds like he has the same attitude as a lot of the young or new officers here in the uk...... Out to impress his senior officers with the number of alledged offences he's picked up. Most people take the ticket/fine etc and take it as read that they have committed a minor offence and pay up.

TBH honest if this was taken to court with proof that Buell sell bikes in your state with the red/blue mini fairing with no comeback to the owners then i wouldnt be surprised if it got thrown out of court with no costs incurred to yourself
ok ill chime in here on some of these issues. as some of you know i am a cop in louisiana. i can tell you (depending on the wording of your states laws) that is a BS ticket. did it have the sate statutes (civil code) or whatever you call it there. i would like to actually read the law that you broke and see what it says. i have never heard of one where the sun shining through counted as a light source. if that was true then i would be able to write people with blue tint for impersonating the police. seems a bit stupid to me. so i say challenge it. send me the criminal code on it and ill give you all the advice i can.

on the subject of easy to become a cop you are right in most cases. you have a clean record, and pass the test and you can be hired. however it is different in different areas. as of here you have a civil service test (a joke) and some othe BS test, a psych test, and then you start your 4 month training.

on the always go to court statement. i would only advise it if you think you are correct. if you are just going hoping that the cop wont show up then you are gambling. if you pay the fine before court then you just pay that fine. if you go to court and plead guilty or lose then you pay your fine plus the court cost. here that is an additional $180 added to your fine. so be sure what you want first.

other than that if you have any questions hit me up and ill help if i can. :rockon:

Sempul, you sound like your the 1 to 2% (my percentage but probably way off) that I was talking about and for that I applaud you:bow: :Sport: :rockon:.

Keep up the good work and be safe.
i too like the fix-it ticket. i have never heard of this and wish we had it here. of course i dont think we will ever get it. it is against the law to even give a written warning here.
And like John asked, Mike, How'd you make out in court?


Cliff, I went to plead not guilty this time. The actual trial will be in couple weeks. I'm still a real amateur with the legal system here. I didnt realize you had to go in twice for fighting a fix it ticket. So, false alarm :D

Also, (Mike) Love the way your bike looks. Was admiring it on the ride!


Thanks man, I was checking out the steering damper on your FZ. Oh and I forgot to mention, those pipes on your bike (two bros i think) screeeeeeaam on the canyons. You passed by me going up the first mountain probably around 9-10k, it sounded awesome :D
i too like the fix-it ticket. i have never heard of this and wish we had it here. of course i dont think we will ever get it. it is against the law to even give a written warning here.

Luckily, cops in Michigan have the opportunity to issue a fix-it ticket. If the item is fixed within 14 days of the citation being issued, it won't cost the operator a single penny. It sucks that Louisiana officers don't have the option to issue a written warning.
Coming from a background in Risk Management, I will advise you to absolutely call Buell. Ask for Risk Management or the Legal Department and explain your situation. Buell will do everything in its power to make that ticket go away officially and ON THE RECORD. By setting the precedence that their OEM, stock equipment is illegal in the State of California, they open themselves up to law-suits by citizens such as yourself and, more importantly IMO, they open themselves up to a very, very expensive recall. You're not calling them and threatening them with a lawsuit, but asking for their assistance. They would be fools to allow California to essentially ban their product via legal precedence. Good luck!
Coming from a background in Risk Management, I will advise you to absolutely call Buell. Ask for Risk Management or the Legal Department and explain your situation. Buell will do everything in its power to make that ticket go away officially and ON THE RECORD. By setting the precedence that their OEM, stock equipment is illegal in the State of California, they open themselves up to law-suits by citizens such as yourself and, more importantly IMO, they open themselves up to a very, very expensive recall. You're not calling them and threatening them with a lawsuit, but asking for their assistance. They would be fools to allow California to essentially ban their product via legal precedence. Good luck!

Thanks man. This is great advice. I will give them a call tomorrow see what they say. :thumbup:
Buell will do everything in its power to make that ticket go away officially and ON THE RECORD. By setting the precedence that their OEM, stock equipment is illegal in the State of California...

The ticket is of course BS, but, I worry that the fact that it is Buell OEM may not matter. It may be OEM on Buell motorcycles, but it is not on your FZ6. Might not the officer and the court make the argument that you took your DOT approved headlight off and installed another one. Even though the Buell light and screen is fine on a Buell, perhaps you installed it in such a way on your FZ6 that would render it illegal. Therefore, it comes down to the judgment of the officer, and he thought that it did not comply.

For the above reason, perhaps Buell will not care if it is declared illegal on your bike. After all, they cannot control what people might do with their parts. If you took their headlight and mounted it on the rear of your FZ6 pointing backward, that would certainly be illiegal, but Buell would not be responsible.

I hope that the above stance would not be taken and do not know how realistic it is, but thought I'd mention it for consideration.
I would take it to court and show pictures of other stock bikes and show the court that this bike comes this way. Maybe if he has to keep going to court for chicken tickets he might start writing something worth while.
