Interesting traffic violation (STUPID)

The thing I would ask the cop is what vehicle code it violated.

To the OP, did the cop write the vehicle code it "violated" on the fix-it ticket?

I would suggest to everyone buying a copy of your states vehicle code and carrying it in your car. Of course this isn't that possible on a bike.

this is a very good point, if he cant prove that you violated any law it will be thrown out..

as for the code book, having at least an old one is a good thing. i really need to get one to keep at home as i build and drive many crazy things that push the envelope..
The ticket is of course BS, but, I worry that the fact that it is Buell OEM may not matter. It may be OEM on Buell motorcycles, but it is not on your FZ6. Might not the officer and the court make the argument that you took your DOT approved headlight off and installed another one. Even though the Buell light and screen is fine on a Buell, perhaps you installed it in such a way on your FZ6 that would render it illegal. Therefore, it comes down to the judgment of the officer, and he thought that it did not comply.

For the above reason, perhaps Buell will not care if it is declared illegal on your bike. After all, they cannot control what people might do with their parts. If you took their headlight and mounted it on the rear of your FZ6 pointing backward, that would certainly be illiegal, but Buell would not be responsible.

I hope that the above stance would not be taken and do not know how realistic it is, but thought I'd mention it for consideration.

Buell may help, for this reason; it is the color of the windscreen that is at fault. The ticket is not for mounting the headlight in an illegal manner, it is over the color of the plastic. And since most Buell bikes have colored windscreens, they may help out. I find it BS that a colored windscreen is illegal, you do not look through it. What person would think a bike with a red or blue windscreen is a cop? I call BS on the ticket. If color mattered, then how would you be able to have red or blue anything on a vehicle. As long as it is not lit from behind, how can it be illegal?
just go to your states attorney and talk to them they will probably throw it out and you wolnt have to go to court. Bring documentation with you that, that is a factory piece even if it is illegal in your state and not others buell has to manufacture that bike to cal law.
The ticket is of course BS, but, I worry that the fact that it is Buell OEM may not matter. It may be OEM on Buell motorcycles, but it is not on your FZ6. Might not the officer and the court make the argument that you took your DOT approved headlight off and installed another one. Even though the Buell light and screen is fine on a Buell, perhaps you installed it in such a way on your FZ6 that would render it illegal. Therefore, it comes down to the judgment of the officer, and he thought that it did not comply.

For the above reason, perhaps Buell will not care if it is declared illegal on your bike. After all, they cannot control what people might do with their parts. If you took their headlight and mounted it on the rear of your FZ6 pointing backward, that would certainly be illiegal, but Buell would not be responsible.

I hope that the above stance would not be taken and do not know how realistic it is, but thought I'd mention it for consideration.

But by Buell selling it as an OEM part, it basically states that it's a DOT approved part, and it's ok to use.
But by Buell selling it as an OEM part, it basically states that it's a DOT approved part, and it's ok to use.

That certainly seems logical and any reasonable person would agree. (But you will have to admit that sometimes logic and reason get checked at the door by our public servants...)
That certainly seems logical and any reasonable person would agree. (But you will have to admit that sometimes logic and reason get checked at the door by our public servants...)

That would be the problem in most cases.

Back when the non DOT legal colored headlight bulbs were in fad, I bought a set of Osram Silverstars. These are DOT legal bulbs, and not a higher wattage bulb than the OEM bulbs. I got pulled over on a night less than a week after I had installed them. Local LEO told me I had illegal headlamp bulbs. I told him no, that they were DOT legal, as it said so on the package. I got a ticket, no money owed, but I had 10 days to correct the problem. I show up at the cop garage the next day and explain what happened. Luckily I had the packages the bulbs came in, and showed the LEO who was going to inspect my car. He said I was OK and let me go an my way after filling out some paper work. Granted this was not a big deal, but I never should hove gotten the fix it ticket in the first place. I had to go on my lunch hour and prove my innocence. It was a huge waste of time all because some LEO had a bad day and wanted to harass a 20 year old guy driving to a friends house.

To the OP, I hope you win, nothing feels better than being told you did nothing wrong, even when you were totally legal in the first place!
Maybe because they re so broke and need all small chain they can get...
I got mine long time ago and it was $10-15 Court Inspection...for fix ticket and free w/CHP inspection...but really we have no time driving around in CA...
Almost spending whole day to fix small stuff...
So, I call Buell 15 mins ago, after taking the advice here that they may help. The guy on the customer service line was a complete *******. I dont know what I did to this guy but he would only give me like can you listen to the circu..NO... anyway he basically only said that as soon as you change the oem configuration of the bike(in this case taking a buell headlight and putting it on another bike) he said that they cant do anything and i should call my lawyer...well anyway i am student trying to graduate from college and trying to find a job and dealing with BS tickets that some jerk decided to hand i cant afford a lawyer and i tried to explain this to the guy and that any help would be great and he was like NO..not even like sorry i cant really do anything but he just kept saying NO..NO..NO..i just hate unnecessary meanness from people when i have my best manners on..WTF...anyway i hope his life sucks

SO...i have to go plea not guitly on april 1st..until then feel free to speculate guys..
This is a huge case. I think the judge should slap you--er, I mean the cop--- with a felony for being so stupid. I don't know what to say. I imagine the same cop would write up some forum members for replacing the stock horn with a Stebel horn or some other ridiculous reason. I remeber years ago, getting pulled over in a roadside inspection, a CHP officer wrote me up for having quartz halogen driving lights (they weren't even on). Big F'ing deal to this cop that I added these on my vehicle. A few minutes later, another cop working the same inspection told me he was going to privately rip it up and that he didn't consider it worth a fix-it ticket. Nothing ever came out of it.
This is a huge case. I think the judge should slap you--er, I mean the cop--- with a felony for being so stupid. I don't know what to say. I imagine the same cop would write up some forum members for replacing the stock horn with a Stebel horn or some other ridiculous reason. I remeber years ago, getting pulled over in a roadside inspection, a CHP officer wrote me up for having quartz halogen driving lights (they weren't even on). Big F'ing deal to this cop that I added these on my vehicle. A few minutes later, another cop working the same inspection told me he was going to privately rip it up and that he didn't consider it worth a fix-it ticket. Nothing ever came out of it.

Have you checked to see if there are any warrants out for you? LOL
What part of SOCAL are you in? I have had my run-in's with the CHP a number of different times. from exhaust, turn signals (not having front ones) and tinted windows in my car you name it, even got a ticket for illegal use of my horn:spank:.
I was pulled over by the same CHP 3 time's in one week for tinted windows, he wrote me a ticket for each time. when I told him that I have not even appeared in court for the first one, he said i was breaking the law untill I remove the tint.%*#hole. Anyways after i removed the tint all the tickets were dropped.

The funny thing is the local PD has never stopped me for anything. Just the CHP.

you may be able to have the ticket signed off by another PD. then all you need to do is pay the fine.
good luck:thumbup:

"Illegal use of a horn?" Gimme a break. Really? (He's been watching to much TV!)
So I wanted to ask you guys what you think about todays incident.

Today I got a fix it ticket because of the buell xb12 headlight that I have on my bike. It is the standard headlight and mini fairing that comes with Buell XB's. Stock. Red.

According to the officer who handed me the ticket, the sun light might shine thru the transparent red mini fairing causing people to mistake me for an emergency vehicle. So he said if I paint it or something, basically somehow make it not translucent, it should be okay. He said it would be the same with the blue ones too.

Then I asked him how it is that Buell sells thousands of these bikes as street legal and they all are illegal. And he said different states different laws. ??!! Then he brought up that he also pulls over clear signals and stuff like that.

Of course half hour later I was at the local bike stop, and there was a whole bunch of bikes with all kinds of clear signals, flush mounts.
The officer must have missed all of those! Like 50 of them.

I want to know what you guys thinks about this. I think it is bull****. The fairing barely covers the mid section of the handlebars and there is a speedo, keys and wires stuffed behind it. All those actually illegal aftermarket mods pass by this guy, i cant believe that I got the ticket with my almost completely stock bike.

Any advice, thoughts?


As others have said: Many new cars now come with transparent lenses! It sounds to me like he either doesn't have his quota of tickets or he's been watching too much TV! (I think he's got something for bikers)
I'm just now catching up to this post. Like others have said, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I mean, how many times have people pulled over for you because they thought you were a cop or an ambulance? None right? I mean, take a poll on the street. "Would you mistake my motorcycle for an emergency vehicle because of this tiny red translucent windscreen?" I bet you don't get one "yes". If I was a lawyer, I'd represent you for free.

I read your post on the uncooperative Buell guy. Anytime I have to call anyplace (cell service, insurance, bank, etc.) and I run into someone who is either grumpy or uncooperative, I just hang up and call back and talk to a different person. This might not work if you're calling a smaller business, so in that case, ask to speak to a manager and get the manager's name. If your issue still isn't resolved, call again tomorrow--maybe show up in their office. Always be nice, always be a little annoying. Some people would rather just tell you or give you what you want instead of having to deal with you for the forth time. Persistence pays off. Maybe even call and say to the person who answers, "you know, I talked to this one lady/guy who was just so nice, but I can't think of their name" Hopefully the person on the other line says, "Oh, you must mean Jane" (or Bob or whoever) Then call back and ask for Mrs. Employee of the Month Jane, who you know is a nice person. Maybe it sounds stupid, but my point is that SOMEONE at Buell has to be a good CS rep having a good day at a job they like, and that's who you want to fix your problems.

I'm with you though, there's nothing worse than greeting someone with "good morining, how are you?" and getting back an apathetic or irritable tone.
Fight it. Look on the ticket what violation is listed. Printed it out Next bring in to court pic's of other bikes on show room floor to show the judge this is acceptable OEM equipment. I find it hard to believe that the popo can just write you a ticket for what is standard equipment. If the judge refuses to let the ticket go I would pay the ticket in loose change, from my understanding they can't refuse U.S currency to pay a fine. Now the lady that collects the fine might have a cow and demand the change be rolls (they can't). just make sure you have the proper amount of coin in your change bucket.

Fight it. Look on the ticket what violation is listed. Printed it out Next bring in to court pic's of other bikes on show room floor to show the judge this is acceptable OEM equipment. I find it hard to believe that the popo can just write you a ticket for what is standard equipment. If the judge refuses to let the ticket go I would pay the ticket in loose change, from my understanding they can't refuse U.S currency to pay a fine. Now the lady that collects the fine might have a cow and demand the change be rolls (they can't). just make sure you have the proper amount of coin in your change bucket.


Yeahhhh.... don't do that. The person whose job it is to count out your fine will have nothing to do with, and likely doesn't even know, the cop who was the douchebag giving this ticket. Paying in coin will do nothing but make you look bad. Not only that, but how long are you willing to wait while they count? You know you can't just drop coin on the counter and scram.
First time seeing this thread... and wow... I've said it before, and Ill say it again..

The USA has WAY too many laws, and police have WAY too much discretion.

I hope you get out of the ticket and are compensated DIRECTLY OUT OF THE OFFICER'S POCKET for your time and troubles having to deal with all of this.

Make the costs for BS charges like this one come DIRECTLY OUT OF THE OFFICER'S POCKET and there will be no more BS charges like this one, and many others.
So I wanted to ask you guys what you think about todays incident.

Today I got a fix it ticket because of the buell xb12 headlight that I have on my bike. It is the standard headlight and mini fairing that comes with Buell XB's. Stock. Red.

According to the officer who handed me the ticket, the sun light might shine thru the transparent red mini fairing causing people to mistake me for an emergency vehicle. So he said if I paint it or something, basically somehow make it not translucent, it should be okay. He said it would be the same with the blue ones too.

Then I asked him how it is that Buell sells thousands of these bikes as street legal and they all are illegal. And he said different states different laws. ??!! Then he brought up that he also pulls over clear signals and stuff like that.

Of course half hour later I was at the local bike stop, and there was a whole bunch of bikes with all kinds of clear signals, flush mounts.
The officer must have missed all of those! Like 50 of them.

I want to know what you guys thinks about this. I think it is bull****. The fairing barely covers the mid section of the handlebars and there is a speedo, keys and wires stuffed behind it. All those actually illegal aftermarket mods pass by this guy, i cant believe that I got the ticket with my almost completely stock bike.

Any advice, thoughts?


don't get mad, make a record of it for others:

take pictures of all the stock buells with the windscreen. also, their translucent tanks (air boxes) at the dealership. go to court. ask the judge if he is setting precident that all buells are indeed illegal to ride on the street.

you'll win.
don't get mad, make a record of it for others:

take pictures of all the stock buells with the windscreen. also, their translucent tanks (air boxes) at the dealership. go to court. ask the judge if he is setting precident that all buells are indeed illegal to ride on the street.

you'll win.

Could you loan him your time machine? This happened two years ago. :BLAA: