Interesting traffic violation (STUPID)

The big problem here is that unless you fight a fix it ticket, you'll have to REMOVE your windshield to get it dismissed.
The big problem here is that unless you fight a fix it ticket, you'll have to REMOVE your windshield to get it dismissed.

Or he could just put the blinking red light behind the wind screen , pull the cop over and put him under citzen's arrest!

That's actually a good idea. Take the screen off and get the ticket signed off.

It still a nuisance having to jump through those hoops.
thanks for the feedback guys,

im still kinda in between about what to do with this...

I agree with the ones who said its a BS ticket and I should fight it. I really want to fight it but a part of me is saying what the others said. Just go and get it fixed with a temporary solution and bring it back it normal after.

The only thing about this is that, and probably not very likely but, if I see the same guy on the same canyon again after getting the ticket signed off. Can he write me a ticket for the same thing again? would it be a worse fine to pay the 2nd time?

Because getting it fixed the way they want pretty much means I agree with the violation. And I dont want them to use that against me if I get the same stupid citation a second time.
Please please fight this! When people let cops get away with this type of harassment then they win. I know it's a pain to take the time off and other inconveniences.

At the very least please submit a complaint with that officer's department.

I have some friends who have said police recruitment has been going down hill and citizen's who complain can sometimes accelerate bad one's exit out of the dept.

Keep us posted! I have countless stories of cops abusing their authority (some even personal...).

God Speed.
Unfortunately the legal system takes advantage of some for the revenue and has nothing to do with public safety. Probably don't have Fix-It Tickets in most states. That is a cool thing in CA. On some tickets, you can fix-it and the fine is dropped.

Actually, I've never heard of a state that doesn't have fix it tickets.

Also, incidents like this are one of the reasons why I would never want to live in CA. I can't leave anything stock for the most part, and I would get so sick of it.
You do need to fight it. Otherwise he will ticket you again, and you'll just have to do it later.
The problem is the loss of time, the hassle, and taking the day off to fight a ticket that should not have been given. I totally understand not wanting to do all of that, but it will save you time in the long run.
My advice: Call the corresponding court and tell them the situation. Tell them that you got a ticket for a factory item that you think the officer did not know about (which, in his defense, might be true). Ask them if it would be possible to send them the information by mail so that you don't have to take a day off from work. I would also say that you feel as though he were harassing you, and gave you a ticket solely for that purpose. Reiterate that it is not a light emitting source, it cannot blink or produce forward-facing light, and therefore cannot be confused with an emergency vehicle.
This kind of thing happens all the time. Cop sees something that looks aftermarket and probably not allowed, so they pull you over. It's not really reasonable to expect them to know what is stock and what is not, and a LARGE amount of aftermarket products are not legal, even the ones that are sold in stores in the very state that they are illegal in. What is odd is that after telling the cop that it was stock, he still gave out a fix-it ticket instead of just a warning. Did you argue with the cop or come across as a jerk or something? The cop probably knows full well it's going to get thrown out of court, maybe he just wanted to waste your time.

I once got pulled over in my jeep for having a license plate FRAME. You know, the ones you pick up in your college bookstore that go around the license plate. Apparently it covered up the state motto, and that makes it illegal. I told the officer that I would take care of it and thanked him for letting me know. Of course, I did nothing to correct it, because it was 100% a bull**** "it's 2am and I'm just curious if you're up to no good" call. I'm fine with those, though. I prefer cops that are paying attention, even if it is to pointless details.
The thing I would ask the cop is what vehicle code it violated.

To the OP, did the cop write the vehicle code it "violated" on the fix-it ticket?

I would suggest to everyone buying a copy of your states vehicle code and carrying it in your car. Of course this isn't that possible on a bike.
you should def. fight that! That cop is a total tool and is WAY off the mark about that being anything remotely close to illegal. Odds on favorite are, an officer that is that big of a jerk to the people he services, is that big a tool to his fellow officers and a complaint in his file just might be enough for his chief or captain to toss him. Believe me there are tons of cops out there who all have a fellow officer in the dept. they cannot stand, and pray for the day a civilian takes care of it for them. I'd make a huge stink about it if it were me...course if it were me I would have probably ended up arguing with the officer on the side of the road and ended up in far more trouble than you lol
Good luck, you shouldn't have to change a thing. If there is a problem with the equipment, the authorities should be dealing with the manufacturer and they should be handling this, not you.
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That's a BS ticket! Fight it in court and bring information that shows your mini-fairing is a factory equipped item on Buell motorcycles.

The officer who issued that ticket was took an incredible leap when suggesting your fairing could be mistaken for an emergency light :spank:
:rant::banghead:OK GUYS FLAME ON. I'm going to say it and I really don't care what people think, BUT I hate cops. 1 to 2%of them are really great at what they do. They follow the motto on their badges. To Serve And to Protect. The other 98% are power hungry A$#h@!es. They follow the motto of "I am ABOVE the law" or "I am the law"

A few years back I always thought that to become a police officer you had to go thru extensive training to become one. LOL boy was I wrong. 2 classes in college is all. You take the first one, if you pass you take the next. If you pass both of these classes you can then become an officer. Now there is a little more than just that, you do have to go thru police trainging. But still that is about it.

O and before I get flamed for saying that there isn't much training. The guy who told me this was an officer. we worked together while he was going thru the classes to be come one. He said basically, classes, clean record, and go thru training. No mention of a physic test or personallity type test.

ok let the :spank: begin. :D