I'm short

I can flatfoot it at 5'-8" but at 230# I'm feeling a bit pudgy compared to the rest of you :D
My rear shock is at 5 and am thinking of going to 6 and see what happens.
At 5'4 hanging off is my friend. I wear walking boots when I commute, partly because they give me an extra inch, but also they are waterproof.
When I'm wearing the bike boots tho, its pretty much just the tips of the boots that contact the ground each side.

My only problem I find with my height is I have to get off to manouver the bike backwards because I can't back pedal. No idea what my rear is on, gonna have a look.
All you tall guys are complaining. I'm 5'4, I had my seat cut down a bit which helped a lot, but when you come to a stop just drop your left foot and keep your right foot on the peg. You will only be canted a few degrees. After you do it a few times it will become second nature and after awhile you won't even think about it. Use his method when you come to a stop at a hill and use your rear brake to hold you in place.

Good Luck
