I'm pissed - Someone moved my bike


Junior Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Last night I got home really late and there happened to be a parking spot. Normally I won't take a regular spot but I had a contractor (friend) coming in the morning to look at my house so I decided to save it by parking like a car. Well this morning I come down to find my bike parked like we normally do (at an angle) but like two whole spots down from where I left it.

Needless to say I was not happy about this. I immediately blamed the construction workers across the street and went over to confront them. The guy said they didn't do it but saw who did - two guys in suits. I am thinking yeh right two business men but then they said in machine shop uniforms (there is a machine shop two doors down). I ask them which car it was and they said the black bmw. I responded that black bmw with four flat tires as I pointed.

I seriously thought about it and even went upstairs to grab my scissors to own a nice slightly used bumper guard but decided it wasn't worth it. I then went to move it and it wouldn't start. Being still upset and clearly not thinking straight I checked everything but the kill switch. First thinking the tip over sensor then the kickstand cable. I then remembered what my friend told me: little problems have big solutions and big problems little solutions.

Anyways just wanted to rant a little...
I don't blame you, I'd be pissed too! Instead of identifying yourself right away, just say you noticed "your friends" bike got moved:thumbup:
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:eek: It's just amazing to me that strangers think they can touch other peoples property like that! Wankers....
I'm happy they didn't do any damage to it.
Do you not lock the handle bars, and do you park the bike in neutral or in gear?

Primary reason why I usually do both, parking it in gear with the forks locked. For someone who may not be familiar with motorcycles, it may prevent them from moving a bike if the forks are locked and stuck in gear. Obviously, for someone who knows how to ride, they know what's iinvolved to move the bike. Proper rider etiquette is also to be expected. Definitely a cager if I were a betting man.
In gear bars locked. My prime suspect is one of the mechanics who rides in amd probably instructed his pals to kick it into neutral.
It's wrong and you feel violated, but the best thing you did was take a deep breath. You may find out later who was responsible and come up with something creative.

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You can look at it in another way, better than discovering your bike on the ground. It could have easily been hit considering you were in a parking stall. Then you would be really pissed! It's happened to many of us on the forum.
I'm wondering if there was some other threat of danger/damage to the bike at the time and they actually were trying to be good guys an move it out of harms way? :confused: :)
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I'm wondering if there was some other threat of danger/damage to the bike at the time and they actually were trying to be good guys an move it out of harms way? :confused: :)

Good Point

I have learned in life(the hard way) to always give the benifit of the doubt first. Don't get me wrong i personally would want to choke someone out if my bike was touched or if i seen someone touching someone else's bike. Maybe it was a good dead and maybe it was some A hole with no respect. Karma is a B***h and what goes around comes around. Im glad that when you went to confront the construction workers they didn't take offend and things turn out bad. I'm lucky enough to park my bike in a garage but if i couldn't i would definitely buy a wheel lock.
I'm wondering if there was some other threat of danger/damage to the bike at the time and they actually were trying to be good guys an move it out of harms way? :confused: :)

That's entirely possible, good thinking Cliff :thumbup:

Glad she wan't damaged on ya in the process but that'd still pi$$ me off !! :spank:
No way a good samaritan moved it two parking spots and the construction guys said they saw them do it.
If they moved it that far with the bars locked then they lifted the front wheel off the ground. Hopefully by the wheel and not the fairing! Anyone who would do this is a complete douchebag. A motorcycle has just as much right to a parking spot as someone who chooses to drive only a cage.

Reason #4927312 that I'm glad I do not live in a condo/townhome/apartment.
The problem lies when you decide to flatten the BMW tires and then come to find out it was the construction guys who moved it and they were lying to you. How would you feel if someone flattened your tires for something you had no involvement in. If you really wanted to get to the bottom of this i would go nicely talk to the BMW driver and tell him that someone told you they seen him do it. Then if he confesses punch him in the throught and slam his face in the ground. If he denies you will know the truth just by his response and his attitude. Taking revenge is the best feeling when someone sabotage something of yours but it can also lead to screwing someone over that had nothing to do with it. Please make the right decisions in life and don't keep the circle of dis respect going just because you feel like taking revenge on someone. But on the other hand if you have evidence that the BMW driver did it then teach him respect.
A nail placed stratigically when the offending vehicle backs up would work too.

They wouldn't know when/where it "picked up a nail" either... :spank:

lol As they peer over at that construction site!
Now you done drug the construction workers into the vat.... :sinister:
Last night I got home really late and there happened to be a parking spot. Normally I won't take a regular spot but I had a contractor (friend) coming in the morning to look at my house so I decided to save it by parking like a car. Well this morning I come down to find my bike parked like we normally do (at an angle) but like two whole spots down from where I left it.

This is a prime example of those people who thinks it's a waste for a motorcycle to occupy a full parking spot when they can utilize an area where a full size vehicle won't fit, even though we legally have the right to do so. Well this thinking must be applied when it comes to lane splitting/sharing/filtering. Same principle, and these people should be in favor of this.

I wish there was random poll conducted and it was posted on a well visited news website, such as CNN, MSN etc and asked the public whether they feel that a motorcycle occupying an entire parking space by itself is a waste and could be better utilized by sharing a space or finding an area where a vehicle could not utilize. If the poll favors the waste side, then they should be in favor of letting motorcycles split lanes.