I'm in one of those moods, so take advantage of it!

:( Did that help?

Sorry to hear about that. It sounds like he really really does not want to go.

Thanks for the credits.

The problem is.. he hasn't set any goals for anything.. and the opportunities are not going to fall from the sky. The recruiters want him because of his high ASVAB and his physique. He needs structure, otherwise he is a great kid with a heart of gold. He doesn't drink or do drugs so I should be happy right? Life is too short for him to flounder and struggle until he is 30, then what? Sorry rant over. I am just devastated.
two fitty.

I need two fitty.

two fitty.

Go aways Loch Ness Monster. I told you nots to give him any money.

two fitty.
Well i would love some morte credit, even if it is just to catch up to the "richest" Auusie in this forum, Stumbles06+...who won a truck load of cash in the Casino a while bback,Whatever you think is fair...

Damn I'm always late to the sweet J threads! :spank:

How about 13,729,770 to make me a cool even 50 Mil?

Hook a brotha up!
Great scott! I was 30 credits off on my calculation! Damn you 4rd grade basic math teacher!


Damn, now I'm 59, cant stop poooosting!

Edit numero dos

As I always say, thanks J! You're amazing!
Wowww!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I"m rich!!!!!! Thanks J -

Ok, so i'm an idiot and new to this forum, I wanted credits, and don't even know what they are for....... What do you do with them. I got a billion of them, and I don't want to spend it all in one place!!!!!!!!

What are these? :)