I got air the other day...


Junior Member
Mar 19, 2013
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Kingston, ON
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The other day I went out for a little ride in the afternoon, since Ive finished my job for the summer I havent had my 90 km a day ride happening. I decided to hit up a curvy little back road and have a little fun. I used to ride this stretch a lot last year on my GS500F as its pretty secluded and doesnt get much traffic, turned out its a little different on the FZ6 haha. Everything was going normal and I was keeping it in control until I hit a straight stretch I used to be able to rip down full throttle. I think the last I saw I had it up to 160 km/h or so, I came up over a little crest and got the uncomfortable weightless feeling in my stomach, my steering went loose and I really didn't have time to think before I touched down again and went into a little speed wobble. I just backed off the throttle slowly and she calmed down. Scared the crap out of me and I definitely reeled in my riding for the rest of the day. I hate the feeling that i'm acting like a squid. Thinking back now it could have turned out so much worse, if a car was coming along or if I landed on a gravely bit, Im just glad i've had lots of mountain bike experience with a 2 wheeled vehicle getting squirly on me at speed both on pavement and dirt, just kept my steering loose and calmly rode it out.

Anyone else have any experience with both wheels off the ground on an FZ6?
There's a pavement change after the exit from the freeway by my house. If I can get the throttle timing just right I can bunny hop my Fz1. It is just for less than a half a second but it feels cool as the bump happens, RPMs shoot up and I land again.

When I was in Cali I also hit a dip in the road at about 45-50 mph and when coming up out of it the feeling you described happened and when the weight came back down it sounded like my center stand barely scraped.

If you get good at it, you can be like these guys

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K62ClPFahRA]GSXR1000 goes off jump and lands doing a wheelie - YouTube[/ame]
Got air all the time on my old YZ 125 and YZ 250 (2 strokes) years ago in AMA sanctioned MX races in Bridgehampton NY.

They set up up a "jump" right in front of the main spectators, you really couldn't help but get air unless you were dead last...:thumbup:
On the east side of Mt St Helens (an active volcano) the road is pretty broken up from the earth moving. Very technical ride with cool twists but some place the road just lifts and some times I just didn't back off. Was launched a couple times. At least 25% of that ride was done standing as its so rough you get chest nuts! Other parts are perfect and joy to ride. You gotta be on your game tho.
I rode of this crack about 2" wide on an outside corner with a beautiful view to my right. Bout the time I'm leaned over I see this Chipmunk in the crack an rode over him. He ran for shelter in the crack. At the time it was pretty funny as those little buggers are so funny. I was glad I didn't whack him.

Yes, been up and squiggled upon touch down.