I did a dumb thing yesterday.


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2008
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San Diego, CA
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I was out running errands on my bike and I came up to an intersection in broad daylight I've been through a hundred times. It's one of those intersections that can be confusing. It's angular and there's a hard right or a middle right or an outside right lane that can be taken but somehow I ended up not paying enough attention and turned into oncoming traffic. Luckily no one was there at the time even though it was pretty busy with traffic all around but I felt pretty stupid and quickly turned into a parking lot and went around the building and got back on track. I was pretty calm about it but hopefully no one I know saw me. :eek:

I'm sure I looked like a :squid:.
The main thing is your OK and secondly you have acknowledge you mistaker. Will you it again? I think not.
I’m sure you were probably thing of the next errand or something else at the time. It goes to show how a short lapse of concentration can go very bad very quickly. Glad you OK!