i am back!!! check this out!!!

I believe we call you an organ donor...... I was waiting for one of those cars to not see you and take you out........
I thought people were a little hard on you for the first video - but this one is just crazy.

I think you need to take some lessons and learn that you aren't invincible. We all like to take some risks and go fast but I think you are being reckless.

I was waiting for that VW to take you out, it was clearly signalling when you passed it.
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Man, go ahead and risk your life if you want, but at least get a decent camera while you do it! It would almost be worth watching if the picture quality was decent...
By the way, my favorite part was seconds 27-30, when you had no idea what you were doing. Keep up the terrible riding. I'm glad we don't live in the same country.
Man! I tried that at home and my wife is going to be pi$$ed!:spank:

Would love to visit where you're at. Do you have a lot of back country rides you can use your skills on? I have to always remind myself when playing in traffic....especially after coming off some fun back country rides. I have to remember to turn off that fast rider.:D

I remember you recently visiting a thread I recently posted of my son and I riding Palomar mountain.:rockon:

If you know of some killer rides out your way, would you share them with us?


You have got to learn to pick your path.......just running up on traffic real fast then slamming on your brakes and looking for away to get around is gonna get you hurt or hurt someone else.....look further ahead and assume the cars don't see you....because they don"t !!! and pick your line from that info....after you learn to do this then post a video......because amateur is a compliment for that riding... :rockon: :cheer: :D
"an error occurred. Please try again later." - can't see the video, but judging from responses and your Youtube description of the video, I have a feeling nobody would approve.

edit: watched your other youtube videos. The one in traffic. You swerve a LOT. While going that fast, you sure lean hard...you're going in a straight line. Slow down and be smooth at least if you're going to split lanes like that.
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You seem to do a lot of course corrections while cornering that suggest you aren't truly in control. You just don't seem to look ahead and plan at all.

Glad to see you are still around, but with riding like that I fear it won't be for much longer.
I agree with everyone's comments, good and the bad. Definitely you need to take all that energy on the track and KEEP IT THERE!! Posting this vid especially on this forum only shows that you lack more than just skills, common sense to name a few, but most especially CONSIDERATION to others sharing the road with you. This only tells the public that some riders are a nuisance and liability on the road which gives all riders a bad rep, if that was my kid that got involved in an accident with a rider such as what you just showed, I would hope for the riders sake that he got killed in the mishap, because I certainly would make sure of that.
Show off your bad goods somewhere else, NOT HERE. End rant........ Damn :squid:
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Having driven in Greece and been scared ****less in a car I'd say you're pretty mellow for a Greek driver.