Hometown "Landmarks"

I don't have a photos of the area but I do have a video it well kinda it the intro of a short lived TV show that was filmed in and around the area I live in
I give you Twin Peaks

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oDuGN6K3VQ"]YouTube - Twin Peaks Intro[/ame]
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Not much here in Albuquerque.

We do have a Balloon Fiesta every year, I think its the world's biggest.


Other than that there is Route 66, as shown in the movie Cars.


The famous Hill of Tara, where the High King of Ireland ruled the country many hundreds of years ago.


The Newgrange burial tomb (one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world) It was built about 3200 BC...


At the entrance to newgrange:


And the winter/summer solstice when the sun perfectly aligns with an opening and shines down the tunnel:


I've got loads of other possible pictures but you get the drift! I live in the nicest part of ireland for the historical and cultural heritage that is lying all around us!
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I would post a pic of churchill but it's about as interesting as the side of a barn.....and I'd get shot if I stopped long enough to take a picture in that part of town....twice.

Double dare ya Shaggy?

King Henry I founded Reading Abbey in 1121 and chose to make it his family mausoleum. He died in France fourteen years later, before the building work was complete. Despite fierce competition from Rouen cathedral, the Royal body was embalmed, wrapped in bull's hides and shipped back to Reading for burial before the Abbey's High Altar. His funeral was attended by Queen Adeliza, the new King, Stephen, and most of the Archbishops, Bishops and nobles of England. The former gave a hundred shillings for the maintenance of a lamp to burn constantly over his grave; and a fine effigy of the monarch was later erected over the same. It was probably not unlike that of his grandson still to be seen at Fontevrault in Anjou.
A tradition, current in the 16th century, held that King Henry was buried in a silver coffin and it is thought that this inspired the workmen demolishing the choir to break into his tomb. Finding only a stone sarcophagus, they scattered the Royal bones: "thrown out to make room for a stable for horses". Today King Henry is remembered by a large memorial cross in the Forbury Gardens and a small plaque in the South Transept, close to his last resting place.

The best known remnant of the great Abbey of Reading is the Inner Gate. Commonly known as the "Abbey Gateway," this was the smallest of several entrances to various parts of the monastery. It guarded the way into the monastic inner-sanctum where the general public were not admitted and appears to have survived destruction due to its administrative role. It was the meeting place of Abbot and townsfolk and confrontation between the two was rife in the Middle Ages, particularly over the Mayoral elections.
The Last abbot of Reading was hanged just outside the Abbey Gateway in 1539, bringing the site's monastic connection to a close. It was part of the Royal Palace that superseded the Abbot's House for a while, but in the 18th century became the original home of the 'Abbey School' which was attended, for several years, by the author, Jane Austen. The building was heavily restored in 1861 after virtually collapsing during a thunderstorm. It now belongs to Reading Museum.

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Bernard Laurence Hieatt

A local boy and unsung hero, most people in Reading would not even know off him.

[Suggest a correction]
Birth: 1909
Death: May 3, 1930

World Record motorcycle racer and pilot. His grave is enscribed "To the proud and beautiful memory of Air Pilot Bernard Laurence Hieatt the beloved eldest son of RL & L Hieatt, who was suddenly called away in the hour of his victory on May 3rd 1930, after creating two world records in the two hundred miles motorcycle and sidecar race at Brooklands, aged 21 years". He was leading the race at the oval and banked circuit at Brooklands, Surrey, on his Rex Acme sidecar outfit when he ran into a fence coming off the Byfleet banking after complaining at his last pit-stop of very poor visibility caused by heavy rain. He took several world records and won races, achieving a coveted BMCRC 'Gold Star' in 1929 for lapping the track at over 100mph.

Bernard Laurence Hieatt

A local boy and unsung hero, most people in Reading would not even know off him.

[Suggest a correction]
Birth: 1909
Death: May 3, 1930

World Record motorcycle racer and pilot. His grave is enscribed "To the proud and beautiful memory of Air Pilot Bernard Laurence Hieatt the beloved eldest son of RL & L Hieatt, who was suddenly called away in the hour of his victory on May 3rd 1930, after creating two world records in the two hundred miles motorcycle and sidecar race at Brooklands, aged 21 years". He was leading the race at the oval and banked circuit at Brooklands, Surrey, on his Rex Acme sidecar outfit when he ran into a fence coming off the Byfleet banking after complaining at his last pit-stop of very poor visibility caused by heavy rain. He took several world records and won races, achieving a coveted BMCRC 'Gold Star' in 1929 for lapping the track at over 100mph.


I LOVE his hair style and coat colour!!!
I lived in Dallas for 2 yrs ....austin for 1 yr...but my real hometown is "Silicon City of India - BANGALORE!!!!" The city is called called as the "Garden City of India"

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