Got rearende by a grand cherokee today

Just got a call from the insurance company - the bike is a total loss. I bought it for $3200 and I'm getting $5600 :D:cheer::rockon:

I've gotta give someone else a call to get reimbursed for my boots, gloves and jacket.

All in all - getting runover can be a pretty sweet deal :D

Sounds like you made out like a bandit, since you can walk and all afterwards :) I'd say that is key in assessing the situation.

Are you still flirting w/that dirty Kawasaki? :p hehe
Sounds like you made out like a bandit, since you can walk and all afterwards :) I'd say that is key in assessing the situation.

Are you still flirting w/that dirty Kawasaki? :p hehe

Yeah, I found my crash to be a sweet deal :D

I'm actually considering the versys AND the VFR/Interceptor. I loved my FZ6 but I really wanna try something different. But we will see - I may end up getting another FZ from craigslist :D
Ha ha! Congrats! It's good to see that it turned into such a sweet deal for you :thumbup:
If you lived in the south east I'd say swing by Chattanooga and grab you a new 2007 VFR. They're selling them for sub 7k here in town. They even have 2008 CBR 1000RRs for under 7k. It makes me sick. LOL
My God mate,

I am very pleased to hear you are relatively unscathed. I would contact sidi and return the boot. I have crashed in SIDI before and they were fine. Are the boots synthetic or leather?
Try to leave the wound exposed to air as much as possible. Adhesive dressings will make it sweat. Its in a tricky place, so you might need to put a non stick dressing on it for the first 48 hours whilst it is still weeping. If you find that it starts to itch and crack, a very light layer of Vaseline will help keep it moist. A number of people swear by Anica cream and vitamin e creams. I have not looked at any of the literature pertaining to either of these. Peroxide is OK in the first instance for a dirty wound. It also destroys good tissue and flora so I would not use it for an extended time.
Good luck mate.

What do you think about this deal? Yay or Nay? 2003 Honda VFR 800 ABS Version Trades?

/shrug I'm afraid I'm not much help, man :) Does it talk to you? Grab you by the short hairs? Have you kicked the tires and peeked into all the dark corners and stuff? I've found...for myself at least. When it comes down to things like motorcycles or toys or girls....or anything that really speaks to your inner core in life, it's not always the best deal that you end up with.

Looks good, sounds good, lots of intangibles to consider for me to give my 2 cp.
I know how u feel ...and im glad ur ok..i lost my bike 16th sept cos some idiot decided to cut across my path, i had a 22year old FZ600, the impact broke the frame in 4 places and is now un-economical to repair...luckily my boots saved me from a smashed leg but the armour plate in the shin was shattered...dont reckon ill get much insurance wise cos they hate bikers over hear in the UK..any accident is considered our fault..and what we see as a modern classic worth money they see as a wreck worth pennies...

anyhow better to lose a bike than a biker!! take it easy dude glad ur ok take care!! :rockon:
^^^ Braking the frame in 4 places :eek: ... sounds like a nasty crash. Glad you made it out in one piece yourself man! :thumbup:
Peroxide is OK in the first instance for a dirty wound. It also destroys good tissue and flora so I would not use it for an extended time.

No joking. I did not know this two years ago, and I was daily treating a leg wound with peroxide and wondering why it wouldn't heal up. Finally, I asked my PT friend and he's told me that peroxide cleans the bad stuff and kill the good tissue too. "Stop using it!" I did and it healed right up. :)

Glad to hear that the totaled the bike and you're doing okay physically.