Friendly reminder, careful riding out there

Seems to me that the rider checked for and identified his out before he needed it (head check early in the video). Then when he needed it, he took it.

I always pass on the right if the dumb ass going the speed limit on the left can't figure out what's causing the huge line of cars behind him. I have no problem with people going @ or under the speed limit. But for crying out loud - why the hell do you have to do that in the left-most lane?!!?!?! (not saying you in particular are driving like this - just expressing my irritation :)) Till people continue on doing that - I'll pass on the right :BLAA: If I see that someone is getting closer and closer I'd always go right and let them pass without slowing them down ... most people seem to be pretty unfamiliar with common driving courtesy tho ...



I beg for these type of scenarios developing so I can blast the crap out of the cagers. I had the exact same scenario happen to me except from the right side. I didn't budge and just blasted my Stebel, scarred the daylights out of the woman, and nearly rolled here SUV by overcorrecting.


Sounds dangerous.
Go for a cruise in an Asian country. Then you'll really have seen some hairy stuff. :eek:

Riding a bike here makes me very aware of my surroundings and thus my mortality.

Ha ha ha, You won't ride motorcycle on the Highway in the South Korea..???
Anyway, glad that SK member is here... where my origin is.

BTW, for the thread issue..
Whenever I feel bad on traffics at the highway (or any other roads),
and I need to pass (to be passed) or ready to pass other cars.....
I always try to watch(see) the some suspected(??) car's side mirrors.
If I could see cage's driver, which means that I'm not in the blind spot.
If I don't see cage's driver through the car's side mirror, I do careful more than ever and change my riding mode into Defense Mode..
So, I'm ready for any actions...for both me or cage's mistakes.
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Ha ha ha, You won't ride motorcycle on the Highway in the South Korea..???
Anyway, glad that SK member is here... where my origin is.

BTW, for the thread issue..
Whenever I feel bad on traffics at the highway (or any other roads),
and I need to pass (to be passed) or ready to pass other cars.....
I always try to watch(see) the some suspected(??) car's side mirrors.
If I could see cage's driver, which means that I'm not in the blind spot.
If I don't see cage's driver through the car's side mirror, I do careful more than ever and change my riding mode into Depense Mode..
So, I'm ready for any actions...for both me or cage's mistakes.

It is safe to assume that 99% of the time, cagers will look at you, and right through you. They will not register seeing a motorcyclist, so be ready with your plan Bs.

In an even lamer situation last night, I was pulling out of a parking spot at the grocery store, as in walking my bike back. lights are on, I come to a full stop and get ready to shift into 1st and start rolling forward. I see this car in the rear view mirror coming faster down the lane, and not slowing down. I start moving forward and a bit to the left b/c I was not sure they'd slow down. Sure enough, the old man inside continued on to pass me without even looking at me (we're talking about a stinking parking lot lane, where you really cannot pass). When he was parallel to me I rev-ed up, and he then acknowledged my existence in the same road space at him. The shocked look on his face was evidence of the fact he didn't register I was there, or moving forward at the same time. He stopped and waved apologetically at me... Many, many times I wondered about our rules for giving driving licenses to a lot of the population out there... it's more like the lottery, no skills required, just pure luck... :disapprove: