Fizzer turned Adventure bike

I most likely will not be going.

Between the predicted heat and the fact that I've been putting off a lot of my "To Do's" the last few weekends, Saturday is looking pretty full at this time.

If you end up going, even if just to check it out, save the info they hand out since it sounds like they have some interesting roads that might be worth riding at another time.


You woulda had a blast and the gravel was easy - real light. I was doing 45 in some places. Here is a link to the event with a few pictures for reference.
Oh and a basic map of the route which was 275 miles round trip for me.

Anyway - The last leg of the course was the same road I took you and Mark on. The first half was Lolo Pass which I'd just explored early this month! Two of my favorite places....,4&z=10

Zigzag, Mount Hood Village, OR
Lolo Pass
Lost Lake Rd, Hood River, OR
Dee, OR
Tygh Valley, OR
Wamic, OR
Little Crater Lake, OR NF-2660
Ripplebrook Ranger Station, Estacada, OR
Estacada, OR
View attachment 49259

On the link to im-going-ride-you-comin, there are more links and pictures from other riders. It was great day for a ride although a bit warm Tygh Valley and Wamic.

I can envision a ride up Marmontt, to Lolo Pass, up 26 to Hwy 35, past Cooper Spur onto Lost Lake Road and into Lost Lake thus avoiding the gravel. Think about that!
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I've been kicking myself for not going since I woke up Saturday and it was cloudy and cold. But I had already started taking my bike apart Friday and there was no way I could have got it back together in time :(

I checked out the other thread you posted here and also the one over at ADV and I sure missed a fun time. That looks like a fun route especially since I've never been to most of those locations before.

I was planning to call a ride for this coming weekend and just found out I have to work Saturday night so this weekend is shot. Looks like the only riding time I'll get is Friday and Sunday evenings and maybe to work and back on Saturday :banghead:

On a positive note I got the Givi engine guards installed and they fit perfectly without having to add any washers :D

Another Great Day for a Ride 2013-07-28!!

A couple of pictures - story later. But I think I just found the most twisted roads ever!!! Mark joined and we covered some ground taking a few pictures along the way.

Our Mission was to find LOST LAKE!!!
But first, lunch!

Check! Found it!


Ski Resort - Its summer = closed!


I had a blast! Time for a Beer!
As far as rides go this was a good one! We met at 10Am, made our way through some old country roads up to Lolo pass. A fairly technical section do to narrow roads, sharp turns, and critter crossing. From here we stopped for gas and then rode east on Hwy-26 to Hwy-35 North and up to Cooper Spur for lunch. Critter Crossing: along the way mini-Bamby bounced onto the road in route to Lolo Pass. As it was I ended up chasing IT with the Two Brothers Exhaust! :thumbsup:

We met with some fresh asphalt on 35 and cruised at a good pace to Cooper Spur which has joyously sharp corners! Its a good tease as the corners beg for throttle, however the sand reminds you that it's a bad idea!
Lunch was relaxing as was the cruise into Parkdale via super twisted Cooper Spur! Do to debris, rough patches, very sharp turns, its also a technical to negotiate at speed. Onward into Parkdale via 281, through the town of Dee, and onto Lost Lake Road was just allot of good scenery with crops all around us, Mt St Helens to the north and rolling valleys everywhere.
The FUN: It was free sailing with no traffic to speak of until the last couple miles right before Lost lake. There were some long straights that lead into quick turns and once again, the scenery around us from start to finish is breathtaking.
At Lost Lake we paid our dues to enter the area and hung out long enough to take some pictures and relax. I forgot to mention the wind was blowing pretty good and when leaned over in the corners its entertaining how it can force you down changing your line. Coupled with rocks and few random pot holes it keeps you on your toes!

Mark brought a real camera and may be posting up some good photos later so I'll leave this as is for now. As we headed back we made a couple of stops, one at Mt Hood Meadows ski resort and the other at a large snow park area for pictures.

I pulled into the house after 5PM with roughly 200+ miles being covered!

Thanks for joining me Mark!
Yes it was a great day as I told Randy, I wore out a pair of grip puppies on this ride. Lots of turns and scenery. Heaven. I will post some pictures when not at work. LOL.
Little late to the party (been busy at work) but wanted to say thanks for the ride report :thumbup:

I've never ridden Lolo pass and I don't think I've been on most of the route you guys took but it sounds like a nice route. The place you guys ate lunch at in Cooper Spur looks cool. How was the food?

Bummer about the hoofed rats and sand but it sounds like that did not take away from the fun too much especially with the nice weather we have been having.

Mark, I've never heard of someone wearing out grip puppies on a ride before. Guess I'm not riding hard enough :D

2013-08-08 Caught a nice sunset the other night on a joy ride - seemed worthy of sharing.... All less than a minute apart...




Looking to the east... ....
Some pictures from our tour... I didn't take too many but man was there some fun roads! We didn't make the full route just realized there wouldn't be enough reasonable light left and Mar and I were just at Lost Lake so we had lunch at Cooper Spur and went for a short walk up the mountain for better view. In full gear, that was a bad idea so we turned back.

The roads up were great, the road into Little Crater lake was a tad rough. It may be fair to say Jon's NEW FZ1 is broken in now on the old forest service roads! Not much to say - I think we all had fun!


Jon and Mark from across the puddle...


Rare shot for me; East side of the Hood!


Oh yeah, had a great time. Regarding the FZ, for sure the suspension got a good workout. A few more rides on those roads should have the springs all settled in so I can set the sag without it changing on a daily basis :D

Here's a few more pictures...

This tells how the lake formed

It was not easy to take pictures through the water but this shot will give you an idea of how the lake drops off towards the bottom.

Randy checking out the bugs hovering over the water

Randy and Mark

Another view of the lake

For some reason the only picture I got of the bikes was this one.....

When we stopped for lunch here...

Here is a picture of the inside and this picture does not do the place justice.

Sorry no pictures of the food but the portions were large and it was good enough that it would be worth riding/driving 80 miles for. Mark and Randy had some killer burgers (beef ground fresh daily) and I had the pulled pork sandwich.

Ran over a few counties this past weekend, just a couple pictures to share.

Mt Jefferson on the left

Looks like a great road to play on eh? :thumbup:

Just a bit of blue turned green over the years - Lake Billy Chinook recreation area



Headed into Madras

Headed out of Madras

Across the plains to Mt Hood leaving the thunder storms behind
Wait just a second.......your bike looks different in a few of those photos.

Just messing with you Randy :D Those are great pictures!

It's been so long since I've been in that part of the state I forgot how nice it can be. Thanks for sharing the photos.

One of these days I would like to ride out to see the Painted Hills...


More info here...
Painted Hills | Mitchell Oregon

Ran an 85 mile loop last night after work! There was some entertainment from the local sheriff which may be shared at a later point. Being convincing pays off! :eek: :thumbup::thumbup:




I rolled up here and dismounted. By the the time I had my helmet hanging, some Raven colored friends came to meet Crisis! :rof::rof::rof:
What an epic 8 pages of this stuff. Man do you have me motivated! That was the clearest water I have ever seen I would love to take a dip in there. I want to get those nobby tires are try a crack at the back roads here in Washington wife won't allow another bike :( Any tips before I roll out like this guy?

[ame=]Baron von Nightmare - GSXR Off Roading... - YouTube[/ame]
What an epic 8 pages of this stuff. Man do you have me motivated! That was the clearest water I have ever seen I would love to take a dip in there. I want to get those nobby tires are try a crack at the back roads here in Washington wife won't allow another bike :( Any tips before I roll out like this guy?

Baron von Nightmare - GSXR Off Roading... - YouTube

Thanks it was year of exploring which I truly enjoy! As for the water - at 45F, ya - I've seen a couple jump in. They waste no time getting out as their chest nearly collapses. :eek:

The video - that is about how this thread began. From moss and needle covered roads to gravel, mud and streams where the tire tracks are. Same feeling of, "where do i turn around". :confused::confused:

The scariest was rolling into an area people were shooting. Was taking a break and heard rounds over head while on the "low road" in a draw. That was really uncool as I doubt they even knew that road was there being city folk in all. I don't oppose shooting - but don't want to be shot!

This bike is fun! I've learned allot, had it every way but down. This season alone had the back out waaaaaay to many times under power. One time I thought I had it on video but it ran out of memory. It was funny as sh$t beings everyplace was dry but the apex of this turn. R's went way up and back out - lifted just a touch to stop the slingshot and it came in as good powerslide does. I think I parked it a couple weeks later. playing too hard in the wrong places if you know what I mean...

Here's to 2014! I'll start a new thread of pictures and places....