First Crash since 1988


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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The bike, R6, is in great shape all things considered.

Here's how it went down. An instructor passed me and an RC51 and tapped his tail, that means "follow me." The two slow pokes in front of us pitted, thank goodness, and we took off. As we went into turn two all three of us were cranked over hard. Just past the apex as I was rolling on hard the RC51 was in my face. I tried to go deeper/tighter to go inside, but the RC didn't hold his line. He went left, right, left, and finally right. I smacked is rear tire as I was dragging knee. I went down and as the RC cleared me the KX500 and instructor were on the ground and I piled into him and his bike. I rolled, and my bike when lowside right, then the RC's rear tire wedge between my front fender and upper fairing. Then my bike flipped, I'm not sure how as I was rolling. We all came to a stop and said, "WTF was that???" Ended up the instructor's brand new rear tire blew! It tore from the rim to the tread, about a 3" gash. They sent the Gator with a trailer out to pick us up. I smacked my head pretty good so I visited the EMT for a once over and chilled with a water. About and hour later I looked at the bike and all I needed as a front MC res. A call to the my buddy at AF1 Racing and he hooked me up with an Aprilia Mille Res. I stopped by a 4 Brand Dealer and picked up a new Shoei RF1100 (wonderful helmet). 30 minutes of wrenching, bending the rearset and clip on straight I was good to go. One more check with the EMT and I was on the track. Crash to up was about 2.5 hours, not bad. Now that the bike has been down I know what spares to bring. Oh, and the folding Brembo MC lever works as advertised.

I went back out for a 15 minute session and the bike ran great, and my nerves were good. I did another session and my concentration was not there so I packed up.

Once again ATGATT proves itself out. Even though I "only" lowsided I rolled and every bit of gear hit the ground. Even the knuckles of both gloves, palms were untouched!

I'm stiff and sore, but otherwise fine. About 20 hours, and $150 and you'll never know the R6 was down. Nothing that JB Weld, Bondo, and Krylon can't fix.
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Wow Pete, glad you turned out alright and the bike is really in pretty decent shape.

As for the bump on the head:

1. Did you lose consciousness at all?
2. You mentioned having a little trouble concentrating afterward. How long did this last?
3. Any dizziness, blurry vision, unusual headaches?

Just making sure you didn't get a bigger hit to the head than you think...

Send me a PM if you want bro.

- Dr. Rob
Wow, big mash-up, Pete. The bike looks quite serviceable. And, where is the video you mentioned?
I hope you sound this well tomorrow, track tumbles always hurt more the next day.
Wow Pete, glad you turned out alright and the bike is really in pretty decent shape.

As for the bump on the head:

1. Did you lose consciousness at all?
2. You mentioned having a little trouble concentrating afterward. How long did this last?
3. Any dizziness, blurry vision, unusual headaches?

Just making sure you didn't get a bigger hit to the head than you think...

Send me a PM if you want bro.

- Dr. Rob

The bike is really okay considering that it tumbled. I'm just bummed that my new paint, throttle assembly, and MC were messed up. Nothing I can't fix/clean up.

I remember the hit to my head, thinking, OUCH! I don't remember the tumble. I remember sitting there thinking, "Crap, I hit my head." I did have a bit of a head ache, pain like from a bump. Nothing severe. Not dizziness, blurry vision, odd smells, or hearing issues.

As far as concentration I wasn't thinking about my form. I was thinking, "Crap, I need to bleed two psi out of my tires, I better not go too hard." Once that got in my mind I was missing apexes, and just riding rough.

I did a second check with the EMT before I went back on the track. BP came down from 140/90 to 118/78, pulse from 92 to 65, both times eyes responded correctly and tracked together.

Today I am SORE. Ouch...

Thanks for asking Dr. Rob, I appreciate it. :)
Here's the session 7 video. I just slapped the camera on the mount, and stuck it to the tail. Yes, the track is that rough. Bring a barf bag for this one!

[ame=]Harris Hill Raceway 04282012 - YouTube[/ame]
Holy crap that's a rough track! I don't know how you can race on that.

Glad the bump to the head isn't really bothering you. Symptoms can develop within the first week, so just keep an eye out for it. It's very unlikely given your early presentation/evaluation to EMT, but it does happen. If you develop a headache that seems out of the ordinary, worse than anything you've ever had before, seek medical attention ASAP. Otherwise, I'd just take it easy this week, even lighter duty at work if you can. Even decreasing mental exercise (work duty, puzzles, TV, computer, etc) has been shown to allow the brain to heal better when injured.

This is not to say this all applies to you, but good to keep in mind if you find any symptoms developing.
Holy crap that's a rough track! I don't know how you can race on that.

Glad the bump to the head isn't really bothering you. Symptoms can develop within the first week, so just keep an eye out for it. It's very unlikely given your early presentation/evaluation to EMT, but it does happen. If you develop a headache that seems out of the ordinary, worse than anything you've ever had before, seek medical attention ASAP. Otherwise, I'd just take it easy this week, even lighter duty at work if you can. Even decreasing mental exercise (work duty, puzzles, TV, computer, etc) has been shown to allow the brain to heal better when injured.

This is not to say this all applies to you, but good to keep in mind if you find any symptoms developing.

Thanks Rob! :thumbup:
Any chance the instructor will help you out on this - seeing's how he reeled you in? Not that it was his fault. . . And how did he and his bike fair? They OK?
Any chance the instructor will help you out on this - seeing's how he reeled you in? Not that it was his fault. . . And how did he and his bike fair? They OK?

He felt really bad about the whole thing. He had just bought new wheels and tires and was completely embarrassed.

Usually if you go down at this school you go home for the day, but because this wasn't my fault they let me ride again so that is some compensation.

As the saying goes, "That's racing."

The body kit is from Armour Bodies and they are one of the most flexible ones available so the damage really isn't that bad. I can fix everything pretty easily, it's just time.

When I used to race I never bought new kit, I just kept repairing the old stuff. A little bit of fiberglass repair and she'll be as good as new.

All I know is I am sorer (is that a word?) more today, than I was yesterday. My ribs feel like they were stepped on by an elephant!
Wow that sounds crazy. Glad you're not in worse shape. Also glad the Priller was not involved! :)

Take it easy

Me too! I thought about bringing the Ape but I'm glad I didn't!

For R6 Version 3, I'm going with clipon bars that are 1 inch longer, and adding front axle sliders.