Ear plugs or no ear plugs that is the question?

Do you use ear plugs to prevent hearing damage.

  • Yes I wear them all the time

    Votes: 201 54.0%
  • No never used them..

    Votes: 132 35.5%
  • Pardon......

    Votes: 39 10.5%

  • Total voters
no I've never worn them, but my ears are shot anyways. I've never had my ears ring from wind noise, maybe its just me but I've ridden freeway speeds on my sportster with one of those "german" brain buckets and even then the noise didn't bug me.
Me and you are going to have hearing aids at 40 years old.
Hey, I hope this doesnt come across as me preaching, its not meant that way.

Hearing damage is culmuative. You can arrest the loss now. I was a sonarman on nuclear submarines. We had two events where we were listening with close to maximum amplification with headphones on when a overwhelming noise occured. My ears rang for a week after the worst one. I know that damaged my hearing. I do not have to keep damaging my hearing.

Imagine this, your grandson come up to you asks for a cookie, but you cant hear it. Your granddaughter wraps her arms around your leg and says I love you, but you dont hear it.

Earplugs are cheap man. Its a part of the gear.
Helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, boots, plugs, and a gas card. Ride on.

P.S. if you actually get the good ones, you wont even know they are there. I promise you will actually ride better with them in. Try it just to prove me wrong if you have to. LOL
Hey, I hope this doesnt come across as me preaching, its not meant that way.

Hearing damage is culmuative. You can arrest the loss now. I was a sonarman on nuclear submarines. We had two events where we were listening with close to maximum amplification with headphones on when a overwhelming noise occured. My ears rang for a week after the worst one. I know that damaged my hearing. I do not have to keep damaging my hearing.

Imagine this, your grandson come up to you asks for a cookie, but you cant hear it. Your granddaughter wraps her arms around your leg and says I love you, but you dont hear it.

Earplugs are cheap man. Its a part of the gear.
Helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, boots, plugs, and a gas card. Ride on.

P.S. if you actually get the good ones, you wont even know they are there. I promise you will actually ride better with them in. Try it just to prove me wrong if you have to. LOL
My hearing is already done I operate heavy equipment and freeway grinders for a living. I have also drag raced and rode dirt bikes forever. I'm already done.:)
where's the pics? what the *&^%
hey VEGASRIDER where did your post go?????????
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Ours was pretty cool. We had been tracking another countries submarine, the watch section after ours had lost it. We came back on watch, and were trying to find it. Looking and listening, we knew it was near but not just how close. Then it did (I believe it was a test) of the emergency blow system, and bounced to the roof. How much ever air it takes to pop a huge nuclear submarine almost completely out of the water, dumped into the ballast tanks at once, is hella stupid noisy by itself. Listening with across a large portion of 1144 hydrophones turned up almost to max for the slightest whisper when it happens hurts.
LOL it was exciting. People in the boat heard it with out even being in sonar. I have no real idea how close we came to collision and death, but it was way way way to close.
Danny, sorry for the belated reply, bu I put my pics in the photo gallery section.

VEGASRIDER AKA "the magician"
Danny, sorry for the belated reply, bu I put my pics in the photo gallery section.

VEGASRIDER AKA "the magician"
:eek:ff topic
I kinda tripped out on that I was responding to your post and when I submitted it it was gone!!!

:pn topic I bought a new helmet (HJC CL-15) its a lot lighter than my Bell but the wind noise is higher pitched and kinda bugged me so I thought I'd give the ear plugs a shot. been wearing them for three days now. now the thing that I realize is I need a pipe!!!
:eek:ff topic
I kinda tripped out on that I was responding to your post and when I submitted it it was gone!!!

:pn topic I bought a new helmet (HJC CL-15) its a lot lighter than my Bell but the wind noise is higher pitched and kinda bugged me so I thought I'd give the ear plugs a shot. been wearing them for three days now. now the thing that I realize is I need a pipe!!!
Hi Danny, Sorry mate pipe to smoke due to your advancing years? Or a pipe so that you are convinced that the engine is still running at lights. Although I hear the red ones never stall lol. Cheers Neil
Hi Danny, Sorry mate pipe to smoke due to your advancing years? Or a pipe so that you are convinced that the engine is still running at lights. Although I hear the red ones never stall lol. Cheers Neil
LOL, I'm thinking Scorpion or Two Brothers :Sport:
I havent worn any ear plugs when ridding but wearing them in a Humvee makes a huge diffrence. It takes away from all of the anoying sounds (wind, rattles,) but you can still hear everyone else and sounds that you need to hear.

Having the right size plugs makes a HUGE difference in comfort. so take the time to find the right size you will be happy you did
I dont use them because I think it is better to be able to hear the engine and all the noise around you.

I think you will find, that if you wear earplugs each ride, you can hear the engine and other noises around you just fine. Sounds will have a different tone quality [pitch] but no loss in quantity. Once my habit was established, for me the engine does not sound right without them. :)

Also it be nice if the fairing was designed to have less unstable airflow under the chin area which creates most of the noise in the helmet. Get the head up in clear air and the noise is reduced considerably.
I tried them, bought the good silicon ones. Couldn't stand it, had to def 'em out after an hour :(
whats funny about that is, I thought the same way before. now I can't stand riding without them.:thumbup:
Earplugs for sure. If I'm just scootin across the city and won't be going above 40 then I'll pass...other than that, I hate when I forget them.
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