Do you think tattoos on women are attractive?

Do you think tattoos on women are attractive?

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I love girls with tattoos....real ones, not those fake me out I can hide em little things....gimmie a girl with sleeves done right!:D
Remember the old joke about the bald guy who had rabbits tattoed on his bald head and from a distance they looked like hares!

Well... a couple of months ago my wife and I were driving along and there is this sweet young thing in low slung lulu lemon pants, bare midriff and a skinny top walking along strutting her stuff. She had had a big spider tattoed on her lower back and boy was she showing it off.

From a distance, I'm not kiddin, it looked like she had thick black hair growing out from her ass!!! If only she knew!

We just couldn't stop laughing, funniest thing we've seen in years. :rockon:

I'd say, it depends on the tattoo... but they can look *cool*. If you have thought it through, think the design will mean as much to you in 10 years time, and don't mind the odd glance... go for it! :D

Can't say I agree with sweeping statements about how tattoo's make you look, or they are still stigmatised... for example;

I have a Law degree, a Masters of Law, and an currently working in IT as a project manager... I have 5 tattoos myself now, mostly hidden, but a subtle one on the inside top of my forearm... can't say it me any problems in my day to day life!
If they are not trashy and are located in an appropiate place for what it is... I like them! :thumbup:
Personally my wife has 7 tattoo's when she's in uniform there all hidden, even in most everyday civilian clothes are hidden as well, but i think the ones she has look good. I dont think i like seeing women with like arm bands and such like that.. too malest. Only thing i told her was to slow down on them lol.. let me catch up. I only have 2. Some tattoo's look sexy, but as my dad said remember your gonna have them the rest of your life, women should remember that one day that tramp that looked so cool at 18 will look like a picket fence at 80.
Every notice that every time you watch internet porn, and the girl seems sweet and innocent, and then she gets naked and has a buch of ugly tats, the tramp stamp, those tiny ones that just look like crap, kinda ruins it for me. Kinda :D

In general hell no, it's way too common on girls these days and it's often associated with trashy whorishness (generally). That being said I'm dating a girl right now with a pretty big one on her stomach and don't mind. I think there's definitely something attractive about a woman without any tats, like they are pure, not marked up and used. It can be done tastefully and can look attractive, but that's the exception.