Do you Lane Split

Do you Lane Split (Filter to the front of traffic)

  • Always

    Votes: 91 22.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 96 23.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 66 16.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 149 37.1%

  • Total voters
Lane splitting stationary traffic is easy peasy, but in moving traffic you've got to keep your wits about you. I don't do it on the motorway over 50mph, but some riders braver than me do.

That is brave concidering how narrow the motorway lanes are in the UK.

I've done it ever since I was crashed into at 60 mph from behind while sitting at the back of the queue at traffic lights in Essex (Eng) on my SV650S (the bike lives no more). In Belgium it's legal and everyone does it (really everyone). When I go back to the UK I will still do it, even though it's illegal as I believe it's much safer.
I do it all the time here in the Netherlands but is legal see so everybody does it.
Obviously you still have to be careful whilst doing it.

A mate of mine was also rammed from behind by a cager, he was lucky he was thrown clear over the car in front, as there was very little left of his bike afterwards :(.
Lane splitting is not legal here in Denmark, - so on the rare occasion that I do it, - it takes a lot of shoulder looking first, - to check that there is no cops around ...
A mate of mine was also rammed from behind by a cager, he was lucky he was thrown clear over the car in front, as there was very little left of his bike afterwards :(.

That's exactly what happened to me Martin, I hit their windscreen and was then thrown over the top and clear of everything while the bike was mangled against the car in front of me. I think if I'd of got a leg stuck or something it would have been another story.
This is exactly how I lane split....just use a bit of commonsense, and it's pretty safe.

+1 on that!

It's perfectly legal here too, both on roads with several lanes in each direction, but also on roads with only one lane in each direction. Actually, lane splitting (or overturning, in this case) can be done if you don't cross the fully drawn centerline in the latter case.
Lane splitting is not legal here in Denmark, - so on the rare occasion that I do it, - it takes a lot of shoulder looking first, - to check that there is no cops around ...

You sure this isn't legal in Denmark? On a sidenote; can you take advantage of your bus/taxi lane on a motorcycle?
You sure this isn't legal in Denmark? On a sidenote; can you take advantage of your bus/taxi lane on a motorcycle?

Yes I am sure.
On the bus lane question: No!
They did a test period in Copenhagen a few years ago, allowing the taxi's into the bus lane, - but dropped it again due to the bus drivers claiming that the taxi's in the lane stressed them out.
So bus lanes in Denmark are for busses only.
Yes I am sure.
On the bus lane question: No!
They did a test period in Copenhagen a few years ago, allowing the taxi's into the bus lane, - but dropped it again due to the bus drivers claiming that the taxi's in the lane stressed them out.
So bus lanes in Denmark are for busses only.

No sh%t?

Here, the biggest motorcycle assosiation made it possible for all two-wheelers to use the bus lane a few years back:) Perfectly legal and as far as I know, no serious accidents from this yet.

Taxis use the bus lane as well, though (it's actually called bus/taxi lane)
I always lane split and it's legal. Angry people... Yes sometimes, there just having an envy problem.

Worse when you overtake in speed and they try to wipe you out, I don't know how many side mirrors I've kicked in on those idiots.

Then you have cars overtaking on country road straight at you, basically telling you to get to the ditch for me attitude, I have some marbles in my fannypack for them, just toss a couple in the air in front of them, and they won't do it again.
It's legal here and I do it all the time, with caution of course. I've never been blocked either, so I guess I'm lucky.

As for splitting on the shoulder... how stupid can you get??
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Not legal here in Illinois. I've tried it a handful of times when I deemed it safe. I think it's fine if proper discretion is used but sometimes you just can't tell what someone is going to do.

I squeezed by 3 cars on the right near the curb coming out of my subdivision because the pickup at the front had no signal and I was going to turn right. When I got there and had an opening, the pickup at the front scooted forward toward me (apparently he was intending to turn right also). He looked over at me, made a grunting noise and then shooed me to go ahead of him. I muttered "Nice signal, a$$hole" and went on my way.
Don't think it's legal in NH, but never tried it. Don't really have a need to, even our rush hour travels at a good clip.
I have only been riding a month now, but I did it for the first time last was a little scary but not as bad as I thought it would be. I was on the freeway and traffic was backing up so, i just slid right through a few times until speed picked back up and I just got back into a lane and cruised. People was pretty curteous, but I know there are some haters out there.
Not legal here, although I see it happening occasionally. Not really a good idea here anyway, with the generally crappy condition of the road edges and many narrow lanes.

Besides, all it takes is one idiot that wants to score bonus points with a quick "door handle", and we've got no shortage of idiots driving around here. Probably true most places as well.
its not legal here in Washington but i have done it before when traffic is stoped and the bike is getting to warm . There have been a bunch of bills to go into the capital but as far as I know none have passed
Illegal in NH and certainly not worth the ticket. I just take the long way (read: twisty) roads home from work and avoid the highways and any congestion. :thumbup:
It's not legal here in VA as well. I'll do it occaisonally at a few of the stop lights locally, but after driving around in the northern virginia/dc/maryland area for a year or so because of work, I pretty much don't do it anymore. Most people around there are already terrible drivers and every single one of them seem to be very spiteful. I've actually had someone jump the curb just so I could get by at a light that they weren't turning right at.