Do you Lane Split

Do you Lane Split (Filter to the front of traffic)

  • Always

    Votes: 91 22.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 96 23.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 66 16.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 149 37.1%

  • Total voters


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Dec 8, 2008
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I usually lane split and filter ahead of all the traffic at lights. When traffic is stopped on the freeway I usually ride on the shoulder about 30mph.

There are a lot of angry people out there though. I had one guy try to throw things out his window at me. Another one got as close as he could and threatened me. I try not to look at anybody and not to say anything back.

I do not see anything wrong with going in front of the cars that would be going slower than me.


So from what I read it seems thats It's legal in California only in the states, the UK its not prohibited?, and In Aussie you have to stay in your own lane?
I want to know how you guys feel about lane splitting.
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I pretty much always do it or ride on the shoulder,depends which is more open.

+1 on the angry people , I have had some drivers try and force me into traffic or the gutter ,but it is rare.
I actually do the polar opposite. I'll occupy and assert my spot in the lane. Had one guy almost run me over in his unnecessarily large truck. I almost punched his window I was so angry.

I guess I just can't afford the ticket...
If its more than 2 or 3 cars I do. I had some buffoon try and blast me off the other day so I would end up in on coming traffic...Like he could.

My justification is your just adding to traffic if you sit there, you can be a part of the problem or do your little bit to help reduce it :D
If done properly you don't add to the traffic in fact you help it.
I have experienced bitter jealous people who act like they want to hit me and try to go before me, even though what I'd doing is legal(here in CA)
here in Ontario, lane splitting falls under a street racing law, which means automatic one week license suspension, bike impounded for a week, and numerous very expensive fines and problems on top. Given that, I try to keep my lane splitting to a minimum, still do it once in a while if stuck in gridlocked traffic
That seems a bit severe !

A bit??? That is crazy!

I have passed a cop lane splitting and he did not do anything in Florida. Usually I look back and stand on my pegs to get a good look forward.

I don't know the penalty here for it but I assume it's a moving violation and probably a $139 ticket. If you do some math and count how many hours you save a year lane splitting and if you value your time more than the ammount of tickets you it makes sense.

I agree that if done properly it is not dangerous and helps reduce traffic.
Proper lane splitting would be both lanes going the same speed/stopped.
The whole law is severe and unconstitutional, even if you take it to trial and are found not guilty or guilty of a much lesser offence, you are still responsible for the towing and impound fees (~$1000 I think), the license suspension stays on your record as well. If the cop at the side of the road decides to charge you under this law, you have no immediate recourse. Besides lane splitting, if you do 50km/h over the limit that is street racing as well. Might sound like a lot, but standard flow of traffic on highways is 20-30km/h over the limit, 50km/h over really isn't that big of a deal. Really it's just a matter of time before it's taken to the Supreme Court and put down, have to live with it in the mean time though.

Craziest part is only ~30% of those charged under the law are convicted, the rest are either acquitted or plead down to a much lesser charge. You have to pay the tow/impound bills either way though

this link has some additional information on this:
I usually lane split and filter ahead of all the traffic at lights. When traffic is stopped on the freeway I usually ride on the shoulder about 30mph.

There are a lot of angry people out there though. I had one guy try to throw things out his window at me. Another one got as close as he could and threatened me. I try not to look at anybody and not to say anything back.

I do not see anything wrong with going in front of the cars that would be going slower than me. I know in California and Texas it is not prohibited,

I want to know how you guys feel about lane splitting.

You're right, it is legal here in CA., but not legal in Nevada. I passed a cop and he didn't do a thing. But I don't drive on the shoulder, I just go right in between the cars. I do have to be careful because there are always those idiots who start to drift over just enough to take out your path. I only lane split in real heavy traffic and when the traffic starts to get up to speed again, I'll fall back in line. This is something that I have to pay real close attention to.
Assuming traffic is either stopped or barely moving, I split regularly. As soon as traffic begins moving over ~30mph, I fall back into line in the lane.

Then again, it's legal here in Cali, so I'm not doing anything wrong here. Frankly, I think it should be legal every where.
It's illegal in Alabama, but if I'm REALLY stuck in traffic, I'll scan ahead to see if anyone has their gas cap exposed or obviously low tire pressure or something hanging out the trunk. Then I cut between the lanes, ride up to them, ask them to roll down their window, then tell them that their tire pressure is low while making obvious hand gestures so that all of the other drivers stuck at a standstill can see, then politely find the nearest place to slip back into traffic - ie, the green light.

Good Samaritans always get a free pass.
Like the other Californians have said, it's legal here, so I do it whenever traffic is heavy or at stop lights. Once speed picks up I drop back into the flow of traffic. I'm not sure about riding on the shoulders though. Here, the shoulders are full of debris and god knows what sharp objects can be found that can puncture our tires.
Here in the UK, I do it a fair bit and so do many other riders, particularly in the urban, congested areas. I think the legal situation is unclear and don't believe riders get pulled unless it looks reckless.

Lane splitting stationary traffic is easy peasy, but in moving traffic you've got to keep your wits about you. I don't do it on the motorway over 50mph, but some riders braver than me do.
I rarely do it unless traffic is heavy and going is slow between lights.

Lots of thought goes into it too, eg if lights have been red for a bit I don't bother as I may not make it to the front before the green light.

If traffic is travelling much beyond the speed limit between lights I don't bother as I tend to pretty much stick to speed limits, even getting way up front from the off they are soon tailgating you which makes it not worth the increased risks.
Assuming traffic is either stopped or barely moving, I split regularly. As soon as traffic begins moving over ~30mph, I fall back into line in the lane.

Then again, it's legal here in Cali, so I'm not doing anything wrong here. Frankly, I think it should be legal every where.

This is exactly how I lane split....just use a bit of commonsense, and it's pretty safe.