Do you actually stop at stop signs? you really stop at stop signs

  • Yes...full stop, foot down all the time!

    Votes: 35 30.4%
  • The speedo reads 0 but still rolling on through

    Votes: 77 67.0%
  • Slow down, downshift to 2nd or 3rd

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • Stop signs..what are they? they apply to me??

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well, geesh, at some of the 4 ways there didn't even used to be a stop sign. Then one day, county decided to make several of them a four way stop. Does this mean that it was unsafe when it wasn't 4 way stop? Many, and I say m-a-n-y of the stop signs in my neighborhood were put up ONLY to deter through drivers from using the neighborhood a commute street in lieu of the nearby avenue that often backs up during rush hour. Also, they were put up to discourage these same drivers from speeding (kinda like FZ'ing speedbumps) They have nothing to do, really, much with safety as far as in the intersection. But, I don't blow off the stop signs. Sometimes, I may not do a complete 100% stop. At any rate, my main concern is safety. Second up is not putting a CHP officer in an awkward position. I would definitely not want to appear to be disregarding the law (not completely stopping, foot down, etc.?) in the presence of an officer.
In my limited experience most of the stop signs in the states are used for slowing traffic down (a bit like roundabouts in the UK) and not really for the direct safety of the crossing. These are used a lot especially in residential area's, I must admit if there was no one approaching the junction, no cop about and clear visability both ways I would ease my way past the stop sign.
In the UK or on the continent a stop sign is usually placed at a dangerous junction or there is a valid reason for it so I always totally stop.
I stop because by my parents house is right by a high school in town, and they live on the corner on a 3 way intersection where the road that tees in stops. That road is also the main route out of the school. They also have a dog that they walk to the park on the corner across from them. Nobody stops at the stop sign by their house, mainly high school kids, and I am fearful for the day that one of these jerks doesn't see my mom or dad in the street because they didn't look and hit them. I have actually pulled out of the driveway have had kids roll and look at me and pull in front of me anyways like they didn't even see me to where I had to lock up the brakes on my truck to avoid rear ending them.

I stop because it pisses people off behind me, and I hope that my good actions prevent my parents from being hurt somehow by way of good karma or something.
I know that down here in Southern Cali, cops will definitely get you if you don`t stop completely. It happened to my wife a couple of times and to me as well (in the car) once. Once you had to pay $375/ticket 3 times, you do FULL stops at stop signs... trust me :D
Do I stop at stop signs? I do now! LOL Some prick cop ticketed me once for a 'Failure to stop'. I tried explaining to him that motorcycles don't stand up like cars and that it was an empty four-way stop. I came to almost a complete stop and looked all four ways then went. He didn't care, I didn't come to a complete stop. :mad: Wavex is right. You can be going 15 over and they won't pull you over but if you don't come to a complete stop, BAM! Ticket. I went to traffic school to get it off my record. Insurance in SoCal is ridiculous.
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I can almost track stand on my bicycle but I chicken out because I am clipped in and falling while track standing makes you look really stupid. Can you guys really track stand on a motorcycle for more than 2 second?? If so, I'm very impressed!
I can almost track stand on my bicycle but I chicken out because I am clipped in and falling while track standing makes you look really stupid. Can you guys really track stand on a motorcycle for more than 2 second?? If so, I'm very impressed!


and on a bicycle I am clipped in just riding 4 - 5 days a week for MANY years
There is a 4 way stop that I go through everynight on the way home from work. In addition, the speed limit is only 25mph in this business park area, so half the time, I always see a couple of motorcycle cops sitting in the same parking lot. It's actually a great spot, because a lot of the times, they can roll one violation into another (speeding or not coming to a complete stop), and you really can't see them very well because they sit towards the back of the lot, not really next to the street. So whenever I come up to this stop sign, I will make my complete stop in front of these cops without putting my foot down. I then accelerate kind of quickly, and each time I'm going by these cops faster and faster. It's not very exciting unless you make the ride home interesting so I'm trying to push how fast I can go before they pull me over. I got up to 37mph the other night. However, my speedo may not be very accurate, as other threads have indicated that it can be off by 10%. But again, at slower speeds, the speedo may be more accurate.
Car, motorcycle, or bicycle, I always come to a complete stop. I usually have my teen/preteen kids with me, so I approach every driving experience as a teaching experience. That means always signalling, stopping, etc. Now if I could just stay at the speed limit...

I have been doing this for a while, and I can see it paying off, as my kids love to point out drivers we are approaching who are running stops or redlights, crowding a lane, or weaving (usually on a phone or texting). I think/hope they will be more attentive & defensive drivers when they get the opportunity.
Trials riders are amazing. The bikes are feather light and really low geared.

As for track standing, its not that hard. It just takes practice. The longest I have done it was for half a signal light cycle (30 seconds) on my dual sport. I ended up blipping the throttle to try to keep myself up right. I actually got pulled over one time for that at a stop sign. The cop tried to give me a ticket because me feet never touched the ground. When he walked up I asked him if they were then as well:Flip: He wasn't too pleased but let me go:D

I can't track stand the FZ for crap though. Its too low for me to do it.:confused:
I stop without putting my foot down if I can see clearly, know I am safe, and there are no issues in the road in front of me (dirt, animals, pedestrians etc). A lot of our roads involve more than a 90 degree head turn though, so often it is full stop for vision purposes. Even at a stop, I almost always creep for a better view.
You would be mad not to.

Its also a great place for bored cops to sit and dish tickets out all day an ex police officer I should know.
