Clutch Slave Levers - I'm making them again

In a previous post, I should have used a picture to describe the cable layout in the bike that you need to prevent cable bind.

When you put the cable in the new hole in the hanger, make sure the cable is routed to the area in orange. If you put it on top of the orange part, the cable will feel stiff.
I don't have any cores yet, the first guys should be getting their levers this week, so with any luck, by next week I'll have at least one to start with. I'd rather not have to make one lever at a time, its much easier to do them in batches.
I don't have any cores yet, the first guys should be getting their levers this week, so with any luck, by next week I'll have at least one to start with. I'd rather not have to make one lever at a time, its much easier to do them in batches.

I understand, the parts that I ordered are on back order and they estimate 6-8 weeks minimum. Maybe you'll get a few cores back and a few more folks would want them, wishful thinking lol.
If you have thick skin you can push the circlip out with your finger, or you can get some pliars and yank it off. It just slides out to the side. I put all of them in by hand, so you shouldn't need tools unless you are a girly man :)

I would suggest trying it in that position, though. I think you'll like it.

that's what she said :BLAA:

Thanks though! I'm liking it for sure. :thumbup:
Anyone tried theirs yet? Still waiting for mine (damn International shipping) :D I have to admit, this is probably one of my most eagerly awaited mods, right behind the Leo Vince exhaust I bought over the winter... And spring is just around the corner here!
i received my parts last week, but they are sitting on my bench in the garage... :( with the baby and travelling for work this month, i have little time left over.

i hope to get them on in the next few days (fingers crossed)

I WILL SAY THIS>>>the parts look great!!!

******EDIT:****** i just found a few minutes to put her back together. i put the cable to the outer most hole. you will need to play with the lever position on the clutch shaft to get the slack where you want it, but it only takes a few tries.

IT IS AWESOME!!!!!! she feels like a brand new bike!!! slow speed maneuvers are now much easier. the clutch pull is very smooth and light, and the friction zone is RIGHT where it needs to be.

IF YOU HAVENT COMMITTED TO THIS MOD, YOU NEED TO DO IT!!! i cannot recommend it enough!!!!

KILLERNOODLE, thanks for doing what yamaha should have done...this is a fantastic mod!!!
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Got mine installed...Took it for a quick spin. Seems like its tougher to pull in the clutch. I tried adjusting the routing of the cable but it was even tougher to pull in. I still have to order Chemikers lube system. Engagement zone is definitely larger, but if I got stuck in traffic with the way it is now, my hand would start cramping up in no time. Ill reserve judgement till I get my cable lubed up.

Thanks welds on the lever...:)
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Got mine installed...Took it for a quick spin. Seems like its tougher to pull in the clutch. I tried adjusting the routing of the cable but it was even tougher to pull in. I still have to order Chemikers lube system. Engagement zone is definitely larger, but if I got stuck in traffic with the way it is now, my hand would start cramping up in no time. Ill reserve judgement till I get my cable lubed up.

Thanks welds on the lever...:)

I would say that the cable is probably bound up somewhere. Even the slightest bind the in the cable will make it feel stiff. I'd take the cable end out of the lever, remove the cable hanger and reinstall it with a focus on making the cable as straight as possible out of the hanger before bolting everything down. It took me 2 tries on my own bike to get everything lined up and smooth.

A little lube doesn't hurt either.
For anyone who wants to know, I'm still making levers and I will be until I run out supplies. When that happens, I'll wait until I get enough interest again, then I'll make another run of these.
How do I order ? Thanks.

Check the first page for his pay pal info, and send him your parts. If you don't want to take yours off because your still riding, you can order them and send them to him after you receive them. Just to let you know the parts are on back order, unless the store has them on hand. Mine will be coming in 6 to 8 weeks min.
I just thought of something:
The easiest way to tell if the cable is binding is to install the new cable hanger bracket with the cable in the new position but leave both ends of the cable disconnected from the levers. If you do this, you can move the inner cable with your hand and feel if its binding. The inner cable should slide in and out of the outer cable with very little resistance and there should be no sticky sections. It is also easy to lube the cable with it disconnected at both ends. Reposition the cable inside the bike until you feel the stiction disappear.
Check the first page for his pay pal info, and send him your parts. If you don't want to take yours off because your still riding, you can order them and send them to him after you receive them. Just to let you know the parts are on back order, unless the store has them on hand. Mine will be coming in 6 to 8 weeks min.

killernoodle you need to hire discgolfdude as your sales man:thumbup:
He talked me into getting one,and he doesn't even know it:confused:
Did anyone besides brianwny not get theirs? Who all got their levers already?

Also, can you guys that already have your new levers please start sending me your cores back? I got a few more people interested but the parts supply seems to have dried up and now I'll probably have to ship brianwny another one. I'll refund $20 whenever I receive your core.

I'm counting on you guys! :)
I'd gladly send back my cores (just picked them up today finally -- sent killer the ones off my bike) if the frickin Post Office will deliver the goods :mad: It's been warming up and I'm not letting these stock ones out of my grips for now lol. I don't want you to have to short someone else though. :( Let's give it a few more days and see if some jackwad dropped it on the floor in his postal truck or something. :confused:
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Did anyone besides brianwny not get theirs? Who all got their levers already?

Also, can you guys that already have your new levers please start sending me your cores back? I got a few more people interested but the parts supply seems to have dried up and now I'll probably have to ship brianwny another one. I'll refund $20 whenever I receive your core.

I'm counting on you guys! :)

I still haven't gotten mine, but I'm chalking it up to International shipping. Should hopefully be in next week(ish).

Thanks for keeping on top of this! :thumbup: