Close call today! (diagram included. lol)


Junior Member
Nov 21, 2011
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So, I ran a few errands today on the FZ6 and was headed home when I was nearly ran over by a van.

I was approaching a normal stop when I noticed a vehicle making a VERY wide turn. All I could say was "WTF!?" as I quickly stopped about 3-4 car lengths away from the stop. The vehicle turned into my lane, then swerved a few feet away from me and back into their correct lane. I made eye contact with the driver as she passed, and it was an old lady with a terrified look on her face. I stayed there frozen for a moment shaking my head. Then I hear a guy from behind yell "DAAAAAAAMN! I felt that man!" lol.

I was just glad I was able to stop in time to avoid being hit, and lucky that there werent any cars behind me at the time. :D
Well, there's your problem! If the diagram is anything to go by, you were on the wrong side of the road! (as deemed by ones ability to draw ones sword in a hurry)

You Americans have it all wrong.....

Now why would a close call be LOL? Did you use your horn? I consider using the horn as the ultimate exclamation point for someone who F'd up! That's if you have a manly horn, not the wimpy stock horn.

Yes, LOL..for the previous comments.
I'm very glad you're okay and I was just talking to one of the California Hiway Patrol Administrators and they will be contacting you for permission to use your artwork in their new accident forms! Stellar! :D
Her path of travel looks an awful lot like a "?"....maybe she had a question for you LOL

Jokes aside, glad it was just a close call and you're ok!
LOL @ diagram! Good job not getting run over! :thumbup:

Crap like that happens all the time.. as Kenny said, use your horn and use it EARLY.. don't be shy. I don't care if people think I'm an a-hole if it'll keep me alive.
How would you survive riding in New York City, lol.

glad you are okay dude.

with time you will just shrug off these events.