Cage quicker than FZ6 (???)

Here's a lowdown between cars and bikes in general:

-4 Tires (Extra Traction)
-Variable Front Wheel, Rear Wheel and All Wheel drive options
-Lower Height Vertex
-Larger Engine Capacity (+ Torque, + Power, +Top Speed)
-Roll Cage

-Extra Weight (More Power Required for acceleration, more stopping time)
-More parts = More Resistance = More Money
-More fuel consumption
-More Road Space
-Lesser Tilt Angle

-Lighter (Less Power Required for acceleration, less stopping time)
-Less Parts = Less Resistance = Less Money
-Less Fuel consumption
-Less Road Space
-Greater Tilt Angle

-2 Tires (Less traction)
-Rear Wheel Power Only
-Higher Height Vertex
-Smaller Engine Capacity (-Torque, -Power, -Top Speed)
-No Roll Cage

-An motorcycle capitalizes on its lack of weight. You'll have more stopping ability and it requires FAR LESS power to accelerate. The price of a motorcycle can be yours for a fraction of the cost of a car. The width of a motorcycle is narrow, which enables you to take more specific turns on a road. Leaning into a turn allows a greater turning degree.

-A car capitalizes on its stability. 4 tires means more grip on the road and slower wear. You'll have access to a larger engine with different drive trains, which grants WAY MORE power and transfer types for racing. While sitting in a car, you can lower the overall height of the chassis, granting even more stability. Finally, the roll cage adds a shell around the driver, making it more safe to drive.
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