Air Induction System Check


Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Ames, IA USA
Basically, how hard/important is this (by the service manual) check?

I usually do all of my own service checks but this one I feel uncomfortable - looks like I have to take stuff apart by the service manual. Unless I'm reading into the owners manual incorrectly, can I only do a visual check for the following?

• Check the air cut-off valve, reed
valve, and hose for damage.
• Replace any damaged parts if

My bike runs great and I don't see any need to go tearing into this unless others have a different opinion or ideas...?
i would just visually inspect but you can take the valves off and give them a peak for good measure. doubt you'll find a problem. it's all in the manual there for ya.
I'd just leave it be, honestly. Unless you have evidence that your exhaust is blowing back into the airbox, I'd assume that the air induction system is just fine.
I took mine off too. Believe it or not it makes shifting smoother.
Why? The AIS activates at part or no throttle, so when you go to shift and let off the throttle, the AIS activates, and the tiny little explosions send little shockwaves through the transmission and driveline. It doesn't hurt anything, but I can feel the difference.
First I would like to thank all who have responded. Interesting two sided view here... one to leave it be and the other to remove it all together. The mechanical side of me decided to leave it be and do a visual inspection only.