Pass switch

Do u use your pass switch

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That's a moment activated passing lamp tied into the high beam correct? We have this on cages but I don't know of a bike sold in the US that has one.
i am sad that i don't have that switch I have ridden some bikes that have it and it is cool to have, not sure i would use it to pass though as that would probably cause some hostility in my neck of the woods. (Flashing lights in my area usually means, speed the F up you poorly driving mother f-er)
is this wired in separately on the harness or is it switch contained in the housing itself? Would be a cool a little add on if you could get the part in the US. Even if you didn't use it for passing, I'm sure you could hook something up to that switch.

btw I know the Triumph 675s come with in it standard in the US also.
is this wired in separately on the harness or is it switch contained in the housing itself? Would be a cool a little add on if you could get the part in the US. Even if you didn't use it for passing, I'm sure you could hook something up to that switch.

btw I know the Triumph 675s come with in it standard in the US also.

on the models here thay are bulit in as part of the bikes housing
That's a moment activated passing lamp tied into the high beam correct? We have this on cages but I don't know of a bike sold in the US that has one.

My brother-in-law's SV1000S had one, as did my neighbors Katana. I think it is a Suzuki thing...

I do not see a need for it, as every time I have flashed my highbeams to pass someone, they get pissed and slow down.
Americans don't have a pass switch because Americans don't pass. No, seriously, before buying my '07 FZ6 I sat on a '07 Suzuki SV650S that was right next to a Kawasaki 650, I had to ask the floor person what the heck an unfamiliar switch was. He answered "passing switch." Even though the US version 2007 FZ6 doesn't have a pass switch---guess what?---I BOUGHT IT!
Whoops, I assumed the poll was talking about using your blinkers...scratch one EVERY time vote and add one NEVER. Should've read further before voting, thats what I get for assuming...:rtfm:
I do not see a need for it, as every time I have flashed my highbeams to pass someone, they get pissed and slow down.

I don't figure I'll be around long enough to use it in the first place. Just zoom zoom and bye-bye......
Gday all just curious to no how menny people actually use the pass switch when passing a vehicle i just simply never remember to do so but probably should


This must only happen in Oz, because here in the UK if you flashed someone with the "pass switch" they would think something was wrong.

You would use your indicators if you were going to overtake! OR NOT!haha
It'd be nice to rewire that switch up to a nitrous shot then it really could be a pass switch if you can't be arsed clicking down a gear.

Click..woooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh. :Sport:
That's just to momentarily flash your main beam on.

Here in Britain it is used to let someone in or across you, or as an act of aggression! I have used it about once to let someone in in traffic.

I wouldn't use it when passing someone as they would probably think I was being a smart arse and try and block me.
It'd be nice to rewire that switch up to a nitrous shot then it really could be a pass switch if you can't be arsed clicking down a gear.

Click..woooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh. :Sport:
Lugs I cant wait for your install pics?
i am sad that i don't have that switch I have ridden some bikes that have it and it is cool to have, not sure i would use it to pass though as that would probably cause some hostility in my neck of the woods. (Flashing lights in my area usually means, speed the F up you poorly driving mother f-er)
Really mate it is only good when you want to give another rider the right of way. Your not missing much.

When I pass someone in my cage, I turn on the blinker and then flash once so they know that I am passing them. In the US most drivers do not know what is going on around them. I always do this too, if I am passing someone that might think about passing as well, or for passing multiple vehicles (which I think is technically illegal in most states).

Another useful thing I learned in Germany and Spain, is when you are in the fast lane to use your left blinker to let the person know that you want by. It does not work that well in the states, b/c drivers here suck... but it helps speed up the process from time to time.