The Rant Thread

WA Government sucks. They had a major upgrade at Barbagallo a couple of years ago - in reality it was just another heap of sheds for the pits.

Labour/Liberal - doesn't matter. They all promise us the world, then give us nothing.

OK, air race.

Haven't watched a race but did see them practice last year - they are pretty awesome.

I've watched it on HD channel a couple of times - Prague I think - beautiful back drop.


Only been to Barbagallo once , years ago and from memory the road in and out was a nightmare..... Here's hoping that the Govt does realise that the V8's are important to the state.....

You really must get to the Air Races though , if not for the Planes then go for the Planes :D.... And the fact that there is an ex RAAF pilot in the series :thumbup:
Road in/out of Barbagallo has improved a lot. But once you're inside - still sucks. 1/2 of the pits are still just basically pergolas......

There's been a lot of backlash about losing the V8's, but the same happened with Rally Australia and we're not getting that back.

As for the race, they get about 300,000 all at the Perth foreshore - not my cup of tea - don't like crowds like that (unless it was at Valencia......). Plus, where we live it's an hour into the city - too old and lazy these days.... :BLAA:
The problem with both SA & WA is that for bike racing at least...we dont get enough people to the Aussie Superbike Rounds to show support...

I think WA would be well served with a V8 street Race like in's feral as all hell, but it is good for the States every minda and his best mate come out of the woodwork to drink, spew, and scream Holdeeeeeeen, or Forrrrrrrrrrd!

The problem with both SA & WA is that for bike racing at least...we dont get enough people to the Aussie Superbike Rounds to show support...

I think WA would be well served with a V8 street Race like in's feral as all hell, but it is good for the States every minda and his best mate come out of the woodwork to drink, spew, and scream Holdeeeeeeen, or Forrrrrrrrrrd!


Wouldnt we get some odd looks if we all went and yelled YAMAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA :D
New road rules for freeway riding/driving.

The overtaking lane is the left lane...the slow lane is to the right.

Seems to be the only way to get past the cagers atm. I have seriously contimplated using the emergency lane more than once :spank:

If you do (and I make no judgements either then I don't recommend doing it at night, and keep a close eye on the ground as this lane is where all the debris ends up. IMHO I reckon you're safer splitting the dawdlers. Of course watch out for cats eyes (it's always

As for the lack of racing in SA. I've only been to a couple out at Lala's now, but they were both D-E-D deadasadoornail! I can understand them pulling out if the money ain't there. We NEED a more central track. Riding for over an hour through town on mostly straight roads doesn't do much for my enthusiasm for heading out there. Have to take the car so as not to ruin the tires:(.

That's one of the reasons the V8's goes so well in the city. I reckon they should be trying to worm their way in as a support class:rockon:. Of course the track has little run off etc and would need to be set up a bit bike safer, but it'd be do-able I reckon....just dreamin' out loud:D.
As for the lack of racing in SA. I've only been to a couple out at Lala's now, but they were both D-E-D deadasadoornail! I can understand them pulling out if the money ain't there. We NEED a more central track. Riding for over an hour through town on mostly straight roads doesn't do much for my enthusiasm for heading out there. Have to take the car so as not to ruin the tires:(.

That's one of the reasons the V8's goes so well in the city. I reckon they should be trying to worm their way in as a support class:rockon:. Of course the track has little run off etc and would need to be set up a bit bike safer, but it'd be do-able I reckon....just dreamin' out loud:D.

Central location would be fantastic. One with more than one road in and one road out to give the cops more to do.

I doubt they would ever run it during the Clipsal 500 tho as the roads wont have the run off and to make it work would be a prick of a job (trees, gutters, etc). Keep in mind they have to put it back the way it was after!

I think you said it right "Mallala is a goats track".

The question is how would anyone get a track for S.A? No polly woffle would ever approve it.
Just had a bit of a 'Rant' in Bris Fizz , am i out of line ??? :don'tknow: I'll delete it if i am...

Your always "out of line" Dan...that's why we made you a moderator... No one in their right mind, would ever contemplate trying to control this bunch of antipodean rabble!

Have not read your rant...but I am sure it's fine...I am too busy lying in bed eating chocolate, and farting out loud to care!

Was thinking about having a rant about when I call to my fridge, it won't bring me a beer!
Your always "out of line" Dan...that's why we made you a moderator... No one in their right mind, would ever contemplate trying to control this bunch of antipodean rabble!

Have not read your rant...but I am sure it's fine...I am too busy lying in bed eating chocolate, and farting out loud to care!

Was thinking about having a rant about when I call to my fridge, it won't bring me a beer!

[ame=]YouTube - RC Cooler[/ame]

Give this a whirl Wolfie.

Ranters "Assemble"
I've got one. She still wont bring a beer over however... Maybe I will buy the keg-on-wheels

I was talking about the mobile beer cooler thingo!!!! I have a missus that will gladly bring me beer when asked, but what about when she is not around! :eek:
I've got one. She still wont bring a beer over however... Maybe I will buy the keg-on-wheels

Not having enough space in the 'Reasons for editing' section to justify my reasons. C'mon. Forget global warming, poor indigenous life expectancy and education levels, and the poor and homeless.
Really, this has to stop now.
(And its getting late)
Ok rant time dunno if its to long and frankly don’t care.:spank:
Im a second year apprentice motorcycle mechanic, im 18 but I don’t look it. Im not one to toot my own horn but im a damn good apprentice, topped my tafe class and doing everything to do with bikes, services, diagnosing and right down to full motor rebuilds.

If the service manager cant explain a problem or what work needed to be done he calls me out to explain it and a ****load of customers look at you and are like BS you can not know what you are on about. Then when you start telling them and they realise you do know what you are on about they have a totally different opinion on you and the work done on their bike.
Not long ago I did a top end rebuild on a 1100 yammy crusier and the guy did the omg I cant beleive you are working on my bike! I just ignored the fact that he didn’t think I was good enough to do this work on his motor and explained what was wrong, what most likely caused it and the parts needed to fix it. The guy then walks over to the boss and asked why they were letting me work on his bike! The boss then explained that i do major work and that basicly this is a nothing job for me. The guy was then ok with me doing the work.

I can understand that some people don’t want apprentices working on their bike because, well they are beginners but I HATE that just because im a young fulla I must have no idea. But I get this crap a few times a week and it just gets on my nerves. The ones that are good are the old farmers that love the fact that I know and can explain it in simple terms so they get it and then actually thank you for the advise you have given. It almost makes up for the ones that are knobs about it.

Ok rant over thanks for reading, dont post up you apprentice horror stories and please just cause they are a young fella doesn’t mean they are hopless!
Ok rant time dunno if its to long and frankly don’t care.:spank:
Im a second year apprentice motorcycle mechanic, im 18 but I don’t look it. Im not one to toot my own horn but im a damn good apprentice, topped my tafe class and doing everything to do with bikes, services, diagnosing and right down to full motor rebuilds.

If the service manager cant explain a problem or what work needed to be done he calls me out to explain it and a ****load of customers look at you and are like BS you can not know what you are on about. Then when you start telling them and they realise you do know what you are on about they have a totally different opinion on you and the work done on their bike.
Not long ago I did a top end rebuild on a 1100 yammy crusier and the guy did the omg I cant beleive you are working on my bike! I just ignored the fact that he didn’t think I was good enough to do this work on his motor and explained what was wrong, what most likely caused it and the parts needed to fix it. The guy then walks over to the boss and asked why they were letting me work on his bike! The boss then explained that i do major work and that basicly this is a nothing job for me. The guy was then ok with me doing the work.

I can understand that some people don’t want apprentices working on their bike because, well they are beginners but I HATE that just because im a young fulla I must have no idea. But I get this crap a few times a week and it just gets on my nerves. The ones that are good are the old farmers that love the fact that I know and can explain it in simple terms so they get it and then actually thank you for the advise you have given. It almost makes up for the ones that are knobs about it.

Ok rant over thanks for reading, dont post up you apprentice horror stories and please just cause they are a young fella doesn’t mean they are hopless!

Mate...i feel your pain...used to get the same thing when i was working as a head chef at 18 years old! You should never judge a book by it's cover, but by the substance within....unluckily for you, your boyish looks are going to play against you for a's a sad fact of life...

Just keep doing the good work, and when your head mechanic on a Moto GP team at can laugh in their prejudiced faces!

Sucks to be treated that way because your young, but I have to admit at the dealer I got my bike where I get my services done every time they do work it comes back with things that need fixing, things that I with only a few years of motorcycle ownership can pick up on that apparently the apprentices who worked on the bike totally missed. Like changing the reach of my rear brake pedal leading to the brake light being on all the time, or totally changing my clutch and it taking 2 weeks to get it working again. That or the little dick that as soon as I dropped the bike off, took the keys, and then revved it to red line right in front of me. I know, it WAS warmed up because I rode it there, which means its unlikely to have done damage, but seriously, I know riders who would have decked him for it.
I did feel like punching him in the balls and taking it elsewhere though tbh.
That being said my judgement is based on the people being idiots, not on their age as a forethought.

I do a bit of web work, and I think its probably the opposite everyones like "oh your young you must know all this stuff, you where brought up with it" which in some cases is true and in some its not.
I think its something that the media encourages these days as well, with all the generalisations they like to make about age, or how people look.