Sunday "spring" ride


Quis, mihi fatigo?
Elite Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Southern Oregon
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This is my first ride report so please bear with me....
After checking the on line weather reports, it looked like Sunday 2/28 would be the perfect day for taking my new baby out for it's 3rd ride. After much deliberation I decided to do the San Carlos to Livermore Mines Road up to the Mt. Hamilton Observatory and down to San Jose loop which would be about 150 miles.
I woke to a perfect morning of sunshine and clear skies and headed out about 9:30 a.m. for what would be a 4 hour ride. Headed across the Dumbarton bridge and though Niles Canyon for a little "easy" warm up to a ride I hadn't been on for a few years and the last time I had taken this route I had been on my V-Star cruiser.
I headed out to Livermore passing to motorcycle cops within a quarter of a mile with to cars pulled over writing them up but luckily I was just going a relaxed pace just enjoying the ride.
Once I made the turn onto Mines Rd. I picked up the pace quite a bit but still getting my "sea legs" used to the FZ. Unfortunately the road was in horrible condition with all the winter mud and gravel in the road and requiring all of my attention to avoid the aformentioned gravel and occasional river which seemed to cross the road at unopportuned times!
One such stream I happened upon coming around a corner was about a 6 inch flow that had what looked like actual waves forming on the top. The road itself was pretty deserted except for a couple of cars and a lot of bicycles which seemed oblivious to all other traffic and at one point was 5 across on the narrow road.
I apologize for the lack of pictures but I had a hard time finding any safe place to pull off and take pics that wasn't deep gravel or patches of mud and water.
I did finally make it up to the Mt. Hamilton Observatory but wouldn't you know it, I missed the entrance to it and had to pull off just below it to take a picture. I had forgotten how bad the road was down the west side of the mountain with gravel or loose rocks in almost every corner.
All in all it was a great but tiring ride in perfect weather and made me appreciate the FZ6 even more for it's handling and acceleration.
Hastings Dr to Ralston Ave - Google Maps