Road trip to Calgary Canada and beyond.

Great Trip!!!! Thanks for the report - helps me dream. Love the photos. Have been to many of those places just not on my bike. Was driving thru Wyoming or Montana when one of my kids was small. The in-laws were in a car in front of us when my son threw up. Was on a nice two lane road so I pulled over - father-in-law told me later that he thought something really bad had happened as we pulled over and instantly every door was open and people jumping out of the car like crazy. That is everyone but my son who was wondering why everyone left him! Half an hour later and we were back on the road but the smell was not the same.

Do you have one of those Spot devices which allows others to see where you are and you can send emergence messages - works on satellite technology.
Thats pretty awesome! I was skeptically about doing trips by myself, however I think they are a great way to get alone time. I'm curious about what you packed up and if you have the info/time to list the item's brand/model, and what you ended up not really using. I would like to make a trip myself (blue ridge/skyline drive) but i'm not sure what to bring and whats worth buying as i have no real motorcycle gear, its all larger items.

looks like you had a great trip and i hope I can have month long trips, and to rack up the miles you have.
So I decided to basically take the whole month of June off and do my longest road trip to date. 6,800 miles in 24 days to Canada, down the Pacific Coast and back home again. I only wish I could have taken MORE time off. So enjoy and feel free to add any comment or questions of course.

Took a month to prepare and I'm still wondering if I forgot anything. Hmmmm.......

I would love to see your itinerary for your trip. I want to be able to do 1 good trip a year, though I'm a little worried about really long rides. How many hours a day did you typically spend riding?
Do you have one of those Spot devices which allows others to see where you are and you can send emergence messages - works on satellite technology.

No. I did consider getting one though and probably will for the next trip. I go the speed limit for the most part and take no risks unless I need to. Certainly not a bad idea.
Thats pretty awesome! I was skeptically about doing trips by myself, however I think they are a great way to get alone time. I'm curious about what you packed up and if you have the info/time to list the item's brand/model, and what you ended up not really using. I would like to make a trip myself (blue ridge/skyline drive) but i'm not sure what to bring and whats worth buying as i have no real motorcycle gear, its all larger items.

looks like you had a great trip and i hope I can have month long trips, and to rack up the miles you have.

The Givi side cases are a must in my book. I would have had a top case but they were so back ordered that I couldn't get one in time for the trip. Having your stuff in something water proof eliminates a lot of worry.

A few must haves.

-A good tent like the Marmot Limelight 2 tent I have. Easy to set up and take down. (You don't have to fish poles through long sleeves).
-REI 40 degree sleeping bag with a compression bag for easier storage.
-Inflatable air matress from REI. Makes a big difference in how you sleep.
-A compressable pillow from REI for easy storage.
-Folding chair that I got at REI. Can't remember mfg name right now.
-Good rain gear. Boot covers, pants, jacket, glove covers. Rode in rain 3days straight and stayed pretty dry.

Too many other things to list or have time to type right now. My advice is to plan your trip a couple of months in advance and do some research on the web to get an idea of what to take with you. Lots of good info out there. Don't try to get everything ready a few days before the trip. I did this before and regreted it. Not worth the stress before the trip. During that time pack and unpack everything on your bike and know where everything goes so you don't have to figure it out on the road. When I got my new tent I set it up and took it down a few times in my house to know how to do it instead of struggling with it on the first few nights of the trip.
I would love to see your itinerary for your trip. I want to be able to do 1 good trip a year, though I'm a little worried about really long rides. How many hours a day did you typically spend riding?

As far as my itinerary I had a general plan and just planned day to day depending on the circumstances. Planning everything out so I know exactly where and what I will be doing on say day 14 hasn't seemed to work to well for me in the past. As far as long rides they are not that intimidating to me if I just take it a day at a time.

As far as hours per day I think my shortest day was about 6 hours and my longest about 14 due to having to make up some time. I would average about 8 to 9 probably. I'm pretty comfortable with the stock bike. I do use seat beads to avoid getting heat rash. They look a little crappy on the bike, (see first post) but they work really well. It keeps the air circulating under you which actually makes it more comfortable in the hot weather. In cold weather it's just a little cooler, not cold really.

Lower Falls. Yosemite, California


Getting sandblasted from a dry lake bed to the right of me. This was only for a few miles luckily. Heading into Death Valley.



Badwater. Death Valley, California. It was 108 degrees when I went through there. It's also the lowest point in the U.S. at -282 feet.


The Badwater pool. It got it's name from some guy way back trying to get his mule to drink from it. The mule didn't drink it and he called it "Bad Water".

Sunset in Death Valley.


This was one of the best sunsets I've ever seen. I had to pull over to for a few minuets and enjoy it. It was a very spiritual like moment for me. One of those times that you wish you could enjoy forever even though it was still boiling hot. Death Valley, California.


Made it to Nevada. Viva Las Vegas!!!!


Vegas baby!!!


Fremont Street was pretty cool. Dropped $20 in a slot machine and lost. That was the end of my gambling for the trip. LOL.

Can't believe I didn't see the post if there was one about you riding out to Calgary. I still had a functional bike at the time and would have loved to link up for a bit. That's brilliant stuff man. That single track is a MUST-SEE now top of my list if I'm ever remotely close to it.

Loved it.


Can't believe I didn't see the post if there was one about you riding out to Calgary. I still had a functional bike at the time and would have loved to link up for a bit. That's brilliant stuff man. That single track is a MUST-SEE now top of my list if I'm ever remotely close to it.

Loved it.


Unfortunately the single track is only a few miles long. Definitely worth doing if you ever make it down to Canon City, Colorado though.

Hello Arizona.


Getting my kicks on Route 66. Arizona.


Oak Creek Canyon. Sedona, Arizona


Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona.


"The Corner". Winslow, Arizona. Notice the flat bed Ford?

Another cool shot of Vegas that I forgot to add.


The Snow Cap on Route 66. This place was established back in the 50's when the old Route 66 was the main route. The same family still owns it. If you ever do this route it's a must to stop here.


Red Rocks scenic drive. Sedona, Arizona


It would be a sin not to stop and have a Navajo Taco when crossing the reservation. Fry bread, beans, ground beef, lettuce, onions, diced tomatoes, cheese, some hot sauce and you have a meal. Yum yum!!!!!!!


The Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. 81 ft. to the bottom!!
Awesome rr!! I have been slowly acquiring the proper gear throughout the past year to take extended trips like this sometime soon. This was very inspiring. I love that picture of lake Louise! I had to look at it twice; the lake is so blue it looks like the sky. I thought it was upside down haha