Happy Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! wow, 33, where has the time gone. I hope you like your gift. :Flash:
Happy Birthday Danny!!!
Youll never catch me. Ha ha ha ha aha ohhhh wait. Uhhhh. yeah well happy birthday anyway. LOL

You had two threads but I merged them into one to make life easier.
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Fijne verjaardag & Gefeliciteerd

Thats Happy Birthday & Congratulations in Dutch.

Have a drink on me :iconbeer: (If you're ever around Holland ;))

Have a good one
HEY THANKS EVERYONE!!! I had a good day, I rode to work with a tailwind and the wind shifted just before I got off work so I had a tailwind on the way home also!!! funny how some days it seems everything just goes your way.:D
Happy birthday (belated) I got you what I got you last year.........Bugger all lol.
Its all down hill now mate.
