Element Fast Track Bluetooth Helmet

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May 2, 2010
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After doing quite a big of research on a Bluetooth helmet and different communication systems I decided on the Element Fast Track. It had many positive reviews, and O'Neal has been around for a while. They make a lot of other motor sports and action sports gear, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

I got it for 250$ from Motorcycle Superstore. Free shipping on orders over 100$ and googled a coupon that worked. I think it was 10$ off.


I've ridden about 500 miles with it so far. It is easy to set up and streams nicely through my BB Curve. I haven't tested out how long the battery will last, but others seem to think it is longer than the 4 hours that the manual says.

These are the speakers.


They certainly aren't going to win any acoustics awards, but I found that I was still able to hear the music between 75-80 in the hammer lane. Around town you can hear it just fine. In fact I could hear the music a few times when I had the visor up while riding. I had everything from Arman Van Buren to George Strait, to Pantera in my playlist. None of the different types of music presented a problem. But with techno/ dance/ rap there is little to no bass. But I guess that is to be expected. Can't knock any points off for that. You can't have slamming bass 2 cm away from your hears.

The wind buffeting and noise experienced is what you'd expect for a 250$ helmet. Its not real offensive, but it isn't as good as a high dollar lid.

I didn't really feel the vents making much of a difference. I had to glance into my mirrors to see if they were open or shut. Personally if I need a blast of air I just crack the shield a bit.

Now onto a few negative features.

When putting the helmet on, the speakers WILL dig into your head if you don't fully pull the cheek/ ear pieces apart which house the speakers. They HURT the first few times till I got the hang of it.

This is kind of knit picking but I really don't like the velcro strap chin protector you can see in one of the photos. Its a litle flimsy and I feel like it just something extra that will rip or tear.

This snap that hold the cinch strap back onto it self (so it doesn't flap around) broke off. I really don't see a way to replace this without returning it. That is kind of a bummer. Gotta see what MSS has to say about that.


Overall I like it. I'm not happy about having to return it for something so silly. But to listen to music on long rides is nice. I'll be getting one for my girlfriend so we can communicate. That was the biggest selling point for me. I listened to music the first couple of rides but after a while I came to my senses and realized its much safer and smarter to listen to the engine, and whats going on around me.

Depending on the return policy my girlfriend will have hers soon and I'll update this on how the 2 way communication work.
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