Search results

  1. sxty8goats

    FZ6 w/ Scorpion Exhaust w/o Power Comander?

    I have two bikes, one with Scorps, one with Leo Vince carbon exhaust. The Scorp bike was bought with the scorps and PC already installed. The Leo bike had a stock exhaust on her w/ no PC. I bought the Leos because they were on sale and I was hoping that they would smooth out the power curve...
  2. sxty8goats

    Happy Birthday Erci!!!

    happy Birthday bud. :)
  3. sxty8goats

    10% Ethanol in fuel

    There is a 6 to 1 loss when producing ethanol. That means it takes 6x the energy to produce it than it yields. And that energy typically comes from fossil fuels. Ethanol is one of the biggest scams running. I lived in the Midwest for a few years. E85 is/was common in my area. It cost 3-4x to...
  4. sxty8goats

    FZ6 Windscreen Poll

    2 Bikes, and 04 and an 05 (or 05/06, I forget). The first bike I picked up had a stock screen, the second bike had the OEM Touring screen which was @ 4" taller than stock. The touring screen was horrible. It generated a ton of turbulence and made for a noisy ride. So I sold it on ebay for @...
  5. sxty8goats

    Am i alone on this?

    I get it. People like to customize their stuff. Putting a chopper front on a Ducati would never work. So they stretch the back end out a bit. I've seen bikes done 'well' and as works of sculpture, they look ok. But I tend to hate the damn things. I want a bike that is ride-able. I can't stand...
  6. sxty8goats

    Baffles out on Leo Vince

    Really? I've had mine on for ages now. Easily 400+ hours. (figuring 7 months a year, riding 2 days a week to work and taking 5 'long' cruises a summer - so very conservative) I have never repacked or felt the need to repack them. I rode DB's out for about a week and then put them back in...
  7. sxty8goats

    Throttle body sync

    Holbrook here. I haven't done plugs on the FZ6 yet, haven't needed to. Couple things though. How is your actual grip? I've found that at the start of the season I tend to have a bit of a deathgrip on the bars. My right hand suffers the most because I'm on the throttle and can't really...
  8. sxty8goats

    What is the best mod?

    I voted 'Exhaust' not for the sound, I'd actually like to kick the noise level down a notch. I voted Exhaust because of the improvements it gives to the power curve and the amount of vibration that just disappeared. There was a real 'hump' in the power curve @ 4500/5000 RPM. It was almost like...
  9. sxty8goats

    Carb sync needed? How can you tell?

    I;ve had the 4 hose vacuum gauge set up for ages now and have yet to get around to doing it. Does anyone have a pic of the gave attached?
  10. sxty8goats

    2014 fz-09

    I felt the same when the FZ8 was released. Didn't see an upside to upgrading. I'm going to give the FZ-09 a hard look though. And then I'll probably stick with the FZ6. She really doesn't leave me wanting anywhere. First bike I've owned for more than 2 seasons. (Going on season 4 now)
  11. sxty8goats

    Chicago group ride starved rock area 8/18 or 8/25

    Good Ride. My GTO club did a Starving Rock Cruise back when I lived out that way. Enjoy. Don't skip the history thought.
  12. sxty8goats

    Ear plugs or no ear plugs that is the question?

    For years I've been using Skull Candy 'Inked' and buying a pair of JVC Marshmallows. Then I put the foam buds from the JVC's on the Inked phones. Still pretty cheep if you shop on Amazon and don't care about color you can get both sets for @ $30. I'm wearing Inked II's now and they are a bit...
  13. sxty8goats


    Sounds like the engine is stuttering / slowing / not getting fuel during hard acceleration? Not sure about the 'break pull handle' bit but could it be the 'on/off' throttle experience that new riders complain about on this bike? Maybe a TPS issue?
  14. sxty8goats

    Ear plugs or no ear plugs that is the question?

    Simmilar to jfreakman. I wear head phones with foam ear buds that are the same material as foam earplugs. It allows me to keep the music pretty low but still blocks wind noise. I adjust the volume so that I can hear my motor at idle. I figure that is as safe as not wearing them or simply wearing...
  15. sxty8goats

    Using a hose

    I agree with the quoted post. Especially if you use a 'normal' bike cover. It will never really dry. Check this, I've been using one for years. (standard Model) Motorcycle Covers, Motorcycle Shelter, Enclosed Motorcycle Cover - Bike Barn If you have a place to set this up, they are great...
  16. sxty8goats

    FZ6 w/ Scorpion Exhaust w/o Power Comander?

    Somewhere earlier in this thread somebody said that they had run the zero map and it still had poor fuel econ. So if you get good results from the zero map, please post the results here. I'm curious to see if there is any benefit to it. Mine came out just fine but could go back in just as...
  17. sxty8goats

    FZ6 w/ Scorpion Exhaust w/o Power Comander?

    Back on topic :) First tank on the Blue Bike w/o the Power Commander yielded 49.5 MPG Experiment = success
  18. sxty8goats

    FZ6 w/ Scorpion Exhaust w/o Power Comander?

    Actually, yes. In the sense that it is the normal way I ride this bike. Every machine has individual characteristics that you have to learn and adapt to. Motorcycles especially so, as they are very intimate machines in the sense that they are part of you as you ride them. Every action is...
  19. sxty8goats

    FZ6 w/ Scorpion Exhaust w/o Power Comander?

    The FZ6 may have modified my riding style to match the bike. I've also been paying close attention to my throttle hand over the past couple days to see if what I believe to be true, as I explained above, was in fact true. For the most part it is. The one difference I did notice I...
  20. sxty8goats

    FZ6 w/ Scorpion Exhaust w/o Power Comander?

    I like to keep the bike above 3k. So coming into a corner I typically down shift which kicks the revs up and then start (or rather continue) my deceleration by applying breaks. I don't need to completely close the throttle to slow down. If you are traveling 20MPH you would choose a gear that...