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  1. BlueLineFz6

    Beer Thread

    The Good Yuengling-Best. Beer. Ever. Blue Moon-On tap with a slice of orange, this beer is hard to beat. Shiner Bock-Come on, it's Texas in a bottle. Pabst Blue Ribbon-*In order to keep my redneck card, I am obligated to mention PBR in any discussion regarding fine beers.* The Bad...
  2. BlueLineFz6

    New member welcome thread..

    Hello all! My name is Michael, I'm 23, and I was born and raised in Wild & Wonderful West (By God) Virginia. (Insert pause for obligitory redneck joke...1...2...3) I've lived here all my life but I've had some great chances to travel and have visited about 16 other countries. 17 if you count New...