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  1. F

    scooter racing?

    see thats why i think streets of willow would be perfect. it has plenty of turns that would keep it fun. a bigger track like willow springs would get dull after a while. having the competition consist of nothing but ruckus scooters is kind of the point. it wouldn't be much fun if you where...
  2. F

    scooter racing?

    ok i know this may sound a bit weird and it probably is, but does anyone else think it would be an absolute blast to have a honda ruckus track day? the idea of a pack of those little rolling barstools screaming bloody murder around streets of willow makes me laugh uncontrollably.
  3. F

    Holy Cow ! FZ6 hits a deer...

    yeah, i've seen that vid before. he is beyond lucky, especially with it being wet already. it actually looks like the fz6 just slices through the deer like a razor blade. i say this because you see the deer cross in front of him, then there is the impact, and then you soo what looks to be a leg...
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    So how hot is too hot?

    i've read threads before where the question is asked "how cold is too cold?". i understand that many find the lower temps to be uncomfortable to ride in but i'm on the other end of the spectrum. i HATE the heat. in my opinion the only redeeming quality of summer is that women tend to wear fewer...
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    Installed frame sliders on my wife's Ninja 250R

    for some reason i have an odd desire to ride one of those things.
  6. F

    New FZ6R or FZ6??

    unfortunately due to the state of the economy i don't think you'll be able to judge how well the FZ6R hits home with its intended market as many dealships are having a hard time selling any bike. the local yamaha/honda dealer has had the same 2 FZ6's in its showroom for the past 5 months (i know...
  7. F

    New FZ6R or FZ6??

    i think someone forgot their ritalin this morning :justkidding: edit: stryken does have a point though. alot of people are bashing on the little 6r because its not up to snuff when compared to the fz6 and honestly, who cares? do you guys care that guys with cbr's, gsx-r's, and r6's call the...
  8. F

    So whats wrong with me?

    so i've owned my little fz6r for about a month now and ride it literally every chance i get. the wife is starting to get a bit annoyed by my constant declarations that a half gallon of milk is not enough for breakfast in the morning and that i must go out to acquire more immediately! point...
  9. F

    Whats Your Favorite Mixed Drink?

    Tequila and Coke (preferably jose quervo black) Rum and Coke (preferably captain morgan's special reserve)
  10. F

    Awesome Seize....

    i can somewhat understand your viewpoint on this but at the same time they found 10 kilos of coke hidden in the car. guilty until proven innocent or not thats pretty damning. he's lucky all he lost was his porsche. edit - it sounds as if you're pretty jaded on the subject. have you or someone...
  11. F

    Where to order parts/accessories from?

    in every hobby i've had, be it computers, paintball, or riding quads there has always been one or two websites that everyone bought parts from due to their massive selection. what websites would you guys recommend for finding pipes, frame sliders, fender eliminator kits, etc?
  12. F

    what will replace the fz6?

    i've read rumors that this will be the last year of the fz6. whether this was confirmed or not i have no idea. the question i have is what will its replacement be like? do you think yamaha will release a more updated version of it and possibly call it something else or will it be a completely...
  13. F

    What brand helmet?

    i have a scorpion exo700 that i bought initially and just replaced it with an HJC/joe rocket rkt101 that i really like. its very comfortable, has excellent circulation and doesn't seem to fog easily. i want to try out one of the scorpion helmets with the built in sun visor but i don't have the...
  14. F

    120 miles later......

    so mother nature decided to bless me with beautiful weather on my day off so of course i took it upon myself to ditch the wife and go for a ride. after 120 miles i arrive home and had the stupidest grin on my face along with a very relaxed feeling. now i know that i just got into riding but i...
  15. F

    survalance video of bike theft

    couldn't agree more. i have a heavy duty cable lashed to a steel pole and a disk lock. i don't have any misconceptions that my bike is theft proof but i don't want to make it any easier on a potential thief.
  16. F

    First ride after purchasing?

    grats on the new bike. i'm a new owner as well and i guys you could say i had my first real ride on the way home from the dealer (if you count a 40 minute ride that is). right turns were more difficult than left turns due to the increased difficulty of keeping the throttle steady but other than...