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  1. S

    Late for work

    Went to wash my baby the other day with a friend (he has the z750). All went well. Babies were shining and good as new. BUT the next morning when I woke up to go to work I put the key in and the damn thing wouldn't turn. Whent inside and took the spare one. No luck :banghead: The result was...
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    Lubing the chain

    How do you guys lub your chain without getting oil all over the place when ridding afterwards? Any tips for using something else except oil?
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    Not warming up the engine

    Cause of my work (I'm on 24 hour call) some times I don't have the time to warm the engine before ridding, especialy when they call me in the midle of the night and have to be in, in 10 min. Fortunately work is close to my house but still I start with a cold engine. Anyone else start with a...
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    Another annoying thread

    I just recieved a private message from a guy with user name buddha trying to convince me to become a buddhist :banghead: I don't have a problem with buddhism or any relegion for that mater, but don't want people hastling me :(
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    Why did you sign up ?

    This for halenmarket. You don' have an fz6. You don't have a bike period. You have a JEEP. Atleast thats what you say at your CP. Did you sign up just to sell things or to share info and experience. Judging by your user name you are here only to sell :mad: This is a forum about...
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    Service cost

    I'm going next week for th 20000k (12427miles) service and Yamaha sais it costs around 220 euro (307 USD, 154 GBP) Anyone else with the same service pay as much? Is it expencive or is it just me?
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    Maximum Hp

    Hey everyone!!! Does anyone know which models are with the 78 hp and which are with the 98 hp? I have a 2004. I got it used and I don't have an owners manual. Which is it? Is there that big of a diffrence in performance?