Search results

  1. kkiser69

    MD, DC, VA (northern) Riders...

    haven't seen much activity in this part of the forum, but thought I'd start a thread for anyone in the Washington, D.C. (NOVA, MD) area. Maybe useful to have a consolidated thread of active forum members that live in this part of the world? A simple reply will allow an easy place for us to...
  2. kkiser69

    have you ever owned a bike you didn't like?

    Kinda an informal poll....just curious if you've ever bought/owned a bike that you ended up not liking... - either because it was a poor product, or - wrong "type" for the kind of riding you like, or - wrong size, wrong fit, etc.???
  3. kkiser69

    How much can you use brake in a turn???

    Noob here....1.5k miles. Riding careful, etc, etc. Other day felt a little bit hot coming into a left-hand, 90 degree turn at an intersection. Natural instinct made me apply a "little bit" of brake (front and back). Everything ended up "ok," but the front wheel did shimmy just a wee bit...
  4. kkiser69

    New Rider, First Bike in Arlington, VA

    Hi, All. My name is Kevin and am a new rider and just bought a new 2008 FZ as my first bike. I've taken MSF, etc, and have friends that ride and race, professionally. So, I'm getting some good coaching and have been lurking here a few weeks soaking it all in. Please message/ping if...