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  1. 52pickup

    So I bought this, yesterday...

    Congratulations! Sweet garage! Holy cow. VT is a great place to ride on snow or road.
  2. 52pickup

    routine maintenance: WTF?

    I try and keep an eye on things but I don't have exact intervals for maintenance. I ride mostly for commuting sake and put on two hundred miles a week (riding roughly two days a week as weather permits) Every week I lube everything I can, check torque levels on breaks...etc. I probably don't...
  3. 52pickup

    routine maintenance: WTF?

    In the one area, the movement up and down is a tight 2 inches and that is the same measurement I made my adjustments. The rest of the chain has significantly more play. I got off the bike immediately and caged my way to work.
  4. 52pickup

    routine maintenance: WTF?

    So, I've been paying attention to all the pre-ride checks that are suggested and making the needed adjustments as my skill allows. My chain tension is a recurring problem and I've corrected it other times but because I've only been riding a few summers, I don't have a lot of experience /...
  5. 52pickup

    finding comfort on my FZ6

    Thanks Brother, you made some great points! I'm working on the last bit too cause you're spot on -good muscle tone will always help.
  6. 52pickup

    finding comfort on my FZ6

    very sweet ride
  7. 52pickup

    finding comfort on my FZ6

    Thanks much for the ideas. I'll do what I can...learned a lot as i didn't realize one could adjust lower levels.
  8. 52pickup

    finding comfort on my FZ6

    I'm having a problems with ride comfort on my FZ6. After an hour or so on my commute, I don't want to be on the bike - ever again. My legs cramp cause there is only one position (I'm 53 years old and 275lbs). However, I wonder what others might have done to tweak the system in favor of comfort...
  9. 52pickup

    46 Years!!

    Its great to hear of you and your wife's accomplishment! Its hard work... and you're still working it that is AWESOME!
  10. 52pickup

    This bike is fast!

    I love my bike too, and its fast, but racing other cagers out there...that's nuts.I have no the "need for speed" but I do enjoy all the tales of my stouthearted brother, Ride on, but be safe!
  11. 52pickup

    LED accent lighting

    I had an uncle who loved LEDs. He's Boston born and raised and no sissy. But he had a huge ride... and it seemed to fit.
  12. 52pickup

    Thank God I had gear!

    I'm glad you're okay man! And deeply appreciate the lessons this site preaches...All the gear all the time! When it's hot out and I start thinking about riding in my jeans...I just get in my car instead. The choices you made saved your life. Thanks for being a good teacher for the rest of...
  13. 52pickup

    Has your bike ever hit the ground?

    I dropped my bike once in the backyard no damage. The stupid things I do always amaze me...I dropped her because I just bought a front fork lock the day before and locked her up for the night. Next morning was a beautiful day, I jumped on my bike, gently let out the clutch and rolled 3 inches...
  14. 52pickup

    How do you warm up your bike?

    :thumbup: Thanks for that...the hot water bottle was a masterful touch!
  15. 52pickup

    How old are you?

    53 years here. bought the FZ last year good fun, but I keep the speedo under 80 and enjoy the scenery.
  16. 52pickup

    How old are you?

    53 years old and started riding when I was 52. It's good fun but I keep my speedo under 80 mph and enjoy the scenery.
  17. 52pickup

    Hey! Check out the new Member Map!

    Love this! It's neat to see where folks a located! Nice.
  18. 52pickup

    How long to sell a FZ6?

    did you ever consider re-shooting the pictures? They seem odd to my eye. Dry it off and find a better backdrop for your photo shoot. A picture is worth a thousand words my friend - good luck!
  19. 52pickup

    Battery Problem?

    I had this same problem with my bike this spring. In my case my bike acted exactly as you described...dash lights up...when I turned the key a kind of clicking sound...then dead. It never happened before so I was really scratching my head. I checked all the fuses to make sure nothing was blown...
  20. 52pickup

    Battery Problem?

    I had this same problem with my bike this spring. In my case my bike acted exactly as you described...dash lights up...when I turned the key a kind of clicking sound...then dead. It never happened before so I was really scratching my head. I checked all the fuses to make sure nothing was blown...