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  1. N


    I have one on my Fazer S2. It`s just perfect :-) Fits without issues, very light, with an awesome sound.
  2. N

    Oil filters that will fit

    Thank you very much! I will try to buy it by myself first (don`t want to bother you). If it won`t work - I will ask for your help :-) Amazon doesn`t deliver to Russia which is very sad.
  3. N

    Oil filters that will fit

    Purolator Pure One oil filter Guys, could you advise which Purolator Pure One oil filter I can use on 2007 FZ6 Fazer S2? Probably you can give me exact number? I`m asking because I heard that FZ6 2004-2006 and FZ6 S2 have different oil filters, so I would like to be 110% sure before I buy...