Search results

  1. H

    Riding Jackets-Non leather

    thanks for all the responses guys. i decided to just go in and look at some jackets in person, and i'm glad i did! i went with an a-star, which actually ended being more comfortable on me than some of the other more expensive ones i tried on. but the best part was that i actually got the size...
  2. H

    White fz6 concept?

    finally found it...thank god. its not actually white (not sure why i remembered it being white) but i'll attach the picture. hopefully a bike like this will actually be made at some point
  3. H

    Riding Jackets-Non leather

    thanks for the info, i'll check it out
  4. H

    Riding Jackets-Non leather

    Just wondering if of you guys have a preference/recommendation on riding jackets of the non-leather variety. I'm just not a leather jacket kind of guy. I understand the protection aspect and doubt that anything will be able to match the strength of leather but are there any other options that...
  5. H

    White fz6 concept?

    still not ocd is really kicking in hard, i have looked everywhere...starting to wonder if i could have dreamed this bike haha (yes i dream about motorcycles). either way, if i dont find it soon and get off the damn computer my wife is going to kill me haha
  6. H

    White fz6 concept?

    im almost certain it was a 6, the forks threw me off since they were upside down, that being said, nothing about the bike was even close to being stock so who knows, the bike was badass though i know that
  7. H

    White fz6 concept?

    need some help here, i remember seeing a white fz6 that was very trick, i think i remember it having upside down forks with white motocross fork guards? anyways, i have been scouring the internet trying to find it again but no luck. does anybody know which bike im talking about?