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  1. P

    Pet Peevs? Cager behaviour?

    I agree they always wander all over their lane, into my lane, block lane-splitting and always always always are on their cellphones instead of paying attention to how they are trying to run me over!!! grrrrr
  2. P

    Adjusting chain tension

    thanks for these tips, when I lubed my chain I noticed how slack it was & wondered how hard it is to fix. will try it ASAP!
  3. P

    New here.. Mods? :)

    I'm a bit new here too, but I was looking at Delkevic for pipes - says they are coming out soon and only $144 a pipe!! when you double that it ends up being the same price as a single from any other manufacturer. sounds pretty good (friend has it on his SV650) but does anyone know if there are...
  4. P

    '09 FZ6 accessories

    supposedly they changed it in '07 (and not since) so if it fits '07-'08 it should fit '09 no prob.