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  1. N

    Insurance: Crashed now paying more!

    So, some of you may remember my previous post about my accident, and my current shopping for a new bike, super sport, and so I went and got some quotes for some bikes; Holy Carp! Unbelievable, can't believe the jump! I'm reconsidering the idea of getting a super sport, and maybe just stick...
  2. N

    MY FZ6 Gave Up the Ghost! Now what?

    Hey guys; So, I posted a few days ago about my crash - and Insurance co. came back with more money if I just handed it to them (retarded, but that's the way it came out), so I did. No I've got money to buy a new 2-wheeler. Sad to say, but I think my Fazer days are over.., I'm feeling the...
  3. N

    Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Went down today!

    Absolutely stupid move, hit a ramp at 70. In Austin, on 183, taking Mo-Pac south -too fast, and only have stupidity and absent-mindedness to blame. I hit the curb - the part that's 100 feet off the ground, I am so lucky, it could have been so much worse, I rolled off the bike. Thank God...
  4. N

    So, like seriously, there's no one in Austin that owns a FZ6?

    Like seriously!? What's the deal? I'm hoping to do some riding, and went out with a group from - the nicest riders, but all cruisers, I was sticking out, like Sesame street - one of us didn't belong! ping me, if you are part of a group in Austin, would love to group ride, get...
  5. N

    Is Austin Alive? Where you be at??

    Is Austin Alive? Where are you?? Hi; Just moved to Austin in January - and looking through posts, I'm not sure how active Austin list is, so reaching out to see if there's a group of FZ6 Austinites that meet regularly (or not regularly)? I'm a new rider, looking to meet with other FZ6 to...
  6. N

    Is Austin alive?

    Hi; Just moved to Austin in January - and looking through posts, I'm not sure how active Austin list is, so reaching out to see if there's a group of FZ6 Austinites that meet regularly (or not regularly)? I'm a new rider, looking to meet with other FZ6 to chat, shoot the breeze and maybe...