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  1. Mr Spook

    The Rant Thread

    They broke the laws in the fact as in the corse of their duty they are required to enter and exit "rights of way and thoroughfares" this requires them to wear Highviz jackets or coats apon exiting their vehicles. as he was conducting his work on or adjacent to a right of way or thoroughfares...
  2. Mr Spook

    The Rant Thread

    on the holiday monday i jumped on my little GPX250 and went for a ride to see some friends in adelaide, on the way home passing through Mt barker I picked up a police car he followed me from the mt barker freeway itersection up to the oval by the high school where he pulled me over :eek...
  3. Mr Spook

    SA Fizzers Christmas show!

    Sweet any reason to get out on my bike is a Great idea count me in :thumbup:
  4. Mr Spook

    Happy Birthday .... JAY JAY

    A very Happy Birthday Mate :rockon: A true mate you are.
  5. Mr Spook

    Swap Meet And Vintage Bike Display

    Beer is cold and the BBQ ready :welcome:
  6. Mr Spook

    Swap Meet And Vintage Bike Display

    Well was hoping to be finished riding around lunchtime thus bbq lunch at JJ's. How about 10:30 as a compromise?
  7. Mr Spook

    Swap Meet And Vintage Bike Display

    I have booked in for new rubber that morning but will join in on the ride now that my bike is fixed, hey Jay jay may have to get "J" to grab a slab or two while we are out for the B.B.Q:cheer:
  8. Mr Spook

    Swap Meet And Vintage Bike Display

    will be a good ride if the weather man keeps his word lol
  9. Mr Spook

    The "Off Topic" thread...

    I have thought over the last few hours after being rescued from the side of the road by Jay jay, what I a New rider has learned. 1: Thank you to all the riders who stoped and checked on me even though I was only 1km at most from Meddows, to stop or make a u-turn on meddows road take ya...
  10. Mr Spook

    Swap Meet And Vintage Bike Display

    Nice way also to have a beer for ya birthday too lol
  11. Mr Spook

    The "Off Topic" thread...

    well in 12 months i get off my rdate :BLAA: Finally I'm no longer a Loony learner just a loon hehe.
  12. Mr Spook

    Swap Meet And Vintage Bike Display

    For sure looks like a great day out
  13. Mr Spook

    FE's! Why are they illegal?

    having the pleasure of meeting some of the south aussie FZ6 guys and seeing first hand the manner in which they maintain their bikes I feel fully confident in saying they are far safer machines then the crap box cars I see blowing smoke and dropping oil, the cops should stop being de facto...
  14. Mr Spook

    The Rant Thread

    oldies in mobile shopping trolleys Well it had to happen I had my first accident today as I am now unimployed I had to go to the dole office when leaving the carpark under the building a 80+ year old lady driving a ford festiva taped me from behind knocking me off my bike while i was...
  15. Mr Spook

    Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

    This is true mikey and tbh I respect that. Good example is when I came for a ride and you held back with me for quite a ways. I know my ability is not at a 5 level but I like to push it on sections i know well.
  16. Mr Spook

    The "Off Topic" thread...

    lol yeh I get paid to kill things been doing it for almost 20 years
  17. Mr Spook

    The "Off Topic" thread...

    just a word of warning on the top of hill between Meddows and Macclesfield some evil NOOB:spank: has been throwing gravel onto the road at the top of the hill and just on the down side heading to Macclesfield. :eek: keep ya eyes open for it ok guys
  18. Mr Spook

    Australia Day 2010 with very scary photo's...eek!

    Sadly the day was over too quick.... the mental scars will last a life time :BLAA: top day with top people
  19. Mr Spook

    Australia Day 2010 with very scary photo's...eek!

    No worries will be there good day for a ride out:BLAA:
  20. Mr Spook

    Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

    That's due to the fact Strath has no natural water the so called river is fed by dams and bore water upstream, else it would dry up each year like it use too. the only true water was the Alexandrina lake and the two Dilston dams one of which is in my back yard as Jay Jay knows as it's his...