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  1. F

    BT-014 front & BT-016 rear

    I have the a set of BT-014 in my FZ6. As the rear one is wear out and need to replace. The front look quite ok. Is it ok to just replace the rear one with BT-016? or suggest to replace both the front and rear with the same model BT-016?:confused:
  2. F

    wind noise level - with flying-screen or without

    For driving a FZ6N Would like to know which one will result in more wind noise(noise inside the helmet. 1. FZ6N with flying-screen installed (small wind-screen) 2. FZ6N without any wind-screen (standard FZ6N) :welcome:
  3. F

    with Windscreen or without it on a FZ6N

    when I ride with a full fairing or scooter with high windscreen. I got no problem with wind noise inside my helmet. When I ride the FZ6N with a mini windscreen installed. The wind noise seems too much for me. My question is would the wind noise be less if riding a FZ6N without any windscreed...
  4. F

    Shoei Z6 helmet

    It a new model. It look great! Anyone have it and what is the comments. How is the noise level when driving with a FZ6N? :welcome:
  5. F

    Helmet(Full face) one size bigger

    I have a full face helmet. The size seems a bit too big to me. Is there any ways to make it more fit to my head. :D