Search results

  1. Pyro

    Going to the Sun Road

    On Friday I'm diving down to Montana and doing the Going to the Sun Road through Glacier National Park. I've wanted to do this ride ever since I bought my bike. :D Everything I've read says it's an epic ride. Going-To-The-Sun Road: Montana Motorcycle Rides Anybody done this ride before...
  2. Pyro

    Yamaha Diesel Rumor

    Looks like the FZ.... Canadian Motorcycle News
  3. Pyro

    Good Alberta Rides

    Let's share our favorite rides. Post a Google map if you can. Having ridden for 7 monthes ( 6 of which were winter) I can say my favorite is highway 762, lots of nice curves. One crazy bump, you'll know it when you see it. Should be a mandatory ride for anyone from Calgary. Keep an eye out...
  4. Pyro

    Two Bros FE turn signals, anything brighter?

    I have the Two Bros exhaust and FE kit but the turn signals are pretty dim, especially during the day. Anybody have any ideas for brighter lights?
  5. Pyro

    Perforated leather?

    I'm looking to get a new jacket and am considering the icon accelerant perforated jacket. I've heard good a perforated jacket is great in the hotter weather from a few friends, but am curious if it will hold up as well in a slide.The jacket is also textile on the inner sides of the sleeves and...