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  1. L

    First Road Trip...

    So after 3 years of riding, I have finally decided to go on a road trip with a friend. We will go from Chicago to New Orleans, stopping in Nashville (2 nights) on the way down, then spend 3 nights in New Orleans and Memphis (1 night) on the way back to Chicago. We have booked our places in...
  2. L

    Does every version of the FZ6 have a coolant resivor?

    Yes, I know this sounds crazy. But I have been staring at my bike for 30 minutes with a flashlight and can't find the damn over fill jug. I have drained the coolant and cycled some water through, but ideally would have taken the crap out of the over fill compartment. Bike is a 2009 btw ;) Thanks!
  3. L

    Rear flat tire, options?

    So at the end of last summer, I ended up getting a flat tire thanks to a metal object on a 4 month old tire. I've been very lazy, but would like to get my bike up and running ASAP for spring. So in my garage I have my bike, with a tire that is completely flat. I am not handy at all, the most...
  4. L

    Is this 'crack' normal?

    So finally riding weather in the Midwest. Came out to my bike after a ride and noticed the below crack on my left front strut. The other side does not have anything like this. Is this normal?
  5. L

    Ashamed, can't get stripped oil filter off

    So it was finally riding weather in chicago, I drain my oil, and can't get my damn Mobil 1 filter off. I've tried everything I can think off (I bought 2 filter wrenches and still won't budge). I even half assed the screw driver trick and still can't get it to move. I can't get enough leverage in...
  6. L

    What type of bags to get?

    Hey yall, so I've had my FZ6 for a few months now and I am wanting to get some weekend trips on the calendar (3-500 miles each way then spending a night or two at the destination). Nothing too crazy. Was wondering what people use for these types of trips? I would love to get away with just a...
  7. L

    New Guy with 09 Raven from Chicago

    Hi Yall, I posted in the general section last week about possibly getting a FZ6, and I ended up picking one up on Saturday with 6400 miles. Being new to bikes, I cant find a scratch on it and it seems to drive well (neutral to 1st almost gives me whip lash and the on/off of the throttle is...
  8. L

    New guy looking at the FZ6

    Hi Yall, I'm from Chicago and fairly certain I made up my mind to pull the trigger on an FZ6. I was originally looking at the 650r, but after hours of researching I think the FZ6 would make more sense. I mainly will be riding for pleasure, commuting, and hopefully a few 8+ hour road trips and...